Stupid Question O' the Day


Nov 28, 2016
If y'all think the western hunting shows are bad about this, you should see what comes up in the waterfowl world

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Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Maybe sponsorship stuff or may just be that the hunters take way too much unnecessary stuff along. Guides do this every day, they know the difference between need and want.
Jun 6, 2013
Yeah. The TV shows can be ridiculous. But no one agrees about the right amount of gear for almost any hunt. If you think about it, it's like an old George Carlin skit.

Anyone who packs more gear than you, or is willing to pay a greater weight penalty for comfort, is a moron and isn't hardcore. Anyone who packs more sparingly than you is a lunatic who's going to pay dearly when they get caught in some weather some day.
Sep 22, 2013
And this is why I find people in the woods over prepared or underprepared. This year while hunting my dad and I were about three miles from a road on our way back out when we came across two guys hunting moose. Each one had boots with the laces untied, jackets unbuttoned, and an old kifaru pack (probably equivalent to urban zippy). If they would have killed a bull moose I have no idea how they would have packed it out. To top it off when we got back to the trailhead they left their truck doors wide open. Sorry for the digression.

I see what you mention all the time. I hunt a couple areas where tv shows go and it’s hilarious to see the camera guy not wearing a pack, the hunter decked out with a “pillow” pack, and the guide wearing nothing. Oh and the truck is a couple hundred yards behind them.

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A "pillow pack"...I love it. That's a perfect description. Just what it looks like too.

High fence property owner to Program Producer: "Here's the buck we want you to shoot, my guy's got eyes on him now."

Producer to hunter: "Here, stick this pillow in your pack, the footage will look more real if your pack is full."

Hunter to camera: "We seen a goodun 2 miles away...gotta git after 'im."

Guide thinking to himself: "Whatta buncha jackholes...can't wait for my solo public land hunt."