Better "stock" up boys


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
And they may be the first, only, and/or "hopefully" the final defense after said suspect enters the school. Pretty much like any and every other situation out in society outside of school.

Normal every day citizens are the ones that are first on the scene of most every crime.

Bingo! Right place right time, leaves the everyday citizen exponentially more capable than the best trained shooter. 99.9% of the time and work in an active shooter situation is working to and identifying the suspect. If those on site are allowed the ability to defend, then the time penalty does not exist due to the imminent opportunity to defend.


Mar 4, 2013
I ran the math using numbers provided in a recent Seattle Times article. 99.99997% of guns possessed in the US are never used in a mass shooting.
This is exactly why I can't support anything that starts out with "common sense" and "compromise". Seems pretty obvious (to me) that common sense would dictate that making greater restrictions on something has a 99.99997% chance of being no threat to innocent people, and is a threat to those that would do harm is a pretty good "compromise". It's amazing how many are willingly sheep. But hey let's restrict a constitutional right on 99.99997% emotional feelings.

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Aug 9, 2016
Lafayette, LA

I watched a couple videos of this guy and I really appreciate what he’s trying to do. My takeaway is further confirmation of something I already knew - we should be extremely skeptical of “facts” presented in defense of any argument.

The “fact” is that nearly all the information we consume is influenced by bias. It takes a lot of time and effort to shift through the noise and form your own independent opinion based on your personal value system and set of life experiences. The vast majority of people in this country aren’t willing and/or able to do this. Hence, we have a perpetuating system of us vs. them and intellectually dishonest politicians and media outlets feeding the flames.

As always, I appreciate the generosity of the community here. Several of you have dedicated a lot of time sharing research and well-formed opinions. Thanks!



Jan 17, 2014
I think the bump gun is a waste of ammo and how safe are they really? Can you account for every round fired?
Similar process for a concealed carry permit. I’m all for people showing competency before being allowed to carry. Would almost say the same before they can hunt. Concealed carry permits are issued out to people that have no business carrying.

It is scary to think if you give a little you will give a bunch.
Dec 2, 2017
Northeast Pa
Look, it took 2 entire generations to get us into this problem and it will take an entire 2 generations or more to get out of it..maybe. The removal of GOD and religion from just about everything anywhere, political correctness, sending our jobs overseas(while promoting welfare)and the breakdown of the family unit is what got us to this point. These things are the root cause of very bad things for America and will continue to be so. Because of this we have hatred filled hearts for our fellow Americans. Remove reasons for hatred and you remove the majority of societal problems. Just what spurs a lot of this hatred, acts on and pushes narratives for the items mentioned in the second sentence.....both of the political parties. Because of this nonsense, it is getting harder and harder just to raise our children properly and keep a family unit together....and so it goes, it feeds upon itself for generation after generation. People killing people has zero to do with guns, or any other weapon for that's just a tool to carry out the aggressions of the hatred. Look back into history... guns, swords, arrows, hatchets and poison were all used enmass to carry out the aggressions of hatred. Nothing changed in the tools and methods used. We need to remove the causes of hatred. Parents, churches and teachers do that best and can make the largest impact to societal problems.
Apr 14, 2014
Helena, MT
The removal of GOD and religion from just about everything anywhere, political correctness, sending our jobs overseas(while promoting welfare)and the breakdown of the family unit is what got us to this point.
Then how do you explain the much higher rate of murder and violent crimes in countries considered more religious and the opposite for more secular countries?
Feb 26, 2012
Some wilderness area, somewhere
I haven't read all of the responses, but banning bump stocks does nothing. The gov't has no business banning a part that has been defined by the ATF as a part that does not transform a weapon into a machine gun. In 2013 the ATF sent a letter to congress stating “stocks of this type are not subject to the provisions of federal firearms statutes.”
I don't think the government should be taking away rights of citizens without proof of said citizens committing crimes worthy of rights removals.


Jun 16, 2013
Werent bump stocks used in the Vegas mass shooting? I agree, adding more laws does nothing for those people who won't follow them.
Dec 2, 2017
Northeast Pa
Sniffer, the religion aspect is just ONE of the causes in America and when mixed with the others I noted creates a caustic, hopeless atmosphere filled with hatred. I didn't say MORE religion, just stop persecuting and trying to remove it. There are many ways to stop aggressions of hatred besides religion. USA has MANY things other countries don't have so comparing them to us is comparing apples to bananas. In the religious countries you do reference, the religion differences in the middle east are mostly what causes the killing, as does being poor w/o opportunity, in Central/South America drug trafficking, massive corruption and to an extent greed for money and power. They have their own struggles too. We need to focus on our problems, not theirs. Can you be a mass murderer, especially of children w/o a form of hate and despair in your heart?
Dec 2, 2017
Northeast Pa
Do we know anything really factual and truthful about the Vegas shooting? It's all being covered up quite well if you ask me. Until there is a full and open to the public investigation, nothing is true or factual. Even the lawyers of the victims have been kept in the dark with very little information given. You just have to wonder...what is this all about?