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  • So I take it you're familiar with the area. I'm actually looking for next yr 1st rifle. This yr got scratched. So of course now all I have is to study the area for a yr! (Non-res)
    I was looking into the area N/NW of Piney Lake. Slate mtn is in the middle of this area. It seemed like one of the more remote areas of 36 still in the wilderness. I wasn't sure if you knew of any outfitters that worked that area or not. Taking my son (12) so as you would know, to find, and be lucky enough to take an elk and get it out with him will be a chore. I just don't want to hike in 2 miles and at daylight the next morning see a bunch of horses and orange. It's pretty overwhelming!
    I'm still pretty new to hunting out there. If u have any insight on it, advise or whatever, I appreciate it. And regardless, thanks for you time! Are you hunting 36 this season?
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