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  • Curious if you have ever noticed a difference in durability from sfp vs ffp scopes. I understand this is specific to make and model so hard to do an apples to apples consideration, but is this a consideration from an engineering perspective? For example, I wonder what their repair return rate on say an nx8 sfp is vs a a nx8 ffp. Have you ever noticed a trend? Wish I knew some NightForce engineers sometimes.
    Form, I am getting ready to buy an SHV 2-10x42 because I want the 10 ish oz weight reduction over every other NF scope for a lightweight hunting build (7SAUM). I love Nf products! Just want your honest option, from a durability and tracking reliability standpoint only, will I regret not spending TWICE as much to buy the NSX compact scope that weighs about the same? I know the extra features the NSX gets me, but I am primarily concerned with durability (hunting in rugged mountains) and reticle tracking!
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