Recent content by bigeasygator

  1. bigeasygator

    Pics of Custom Knives

    Partial to blue…and HFB
  2. bigeasygator

    2022 Mathews V3X ***Updated 2/6/22***

    I've got one ordered (33"). Waiting on it to come in. Same with the new Hamskea rest that is meant to be slimmed down for it. Love the idea of the integrated and slimmed down approach to everything. Even as a barebow, the one I shot was so smooth and quiet. With all that said, the reason I...
  3. bigeasygator

    2021 blacktail bucks

    I hunted the south end on a boat based hunt a few years ago. On a "adventure/dollar" basis, I don't think it gets any better than that hunt. I had an awesome time and am planning on going back in the next few years.
  4. bigeasygator

    2021 Best Whitetail Photo Contest, sponsored by First Lite

    South Texas free range whitetail from back in early November.
  5. bigeasygator

    Medical Aid (IFAK) in the field

    My IFAK. For any kind of backcountry or extended hunt this is in my pack. Ratcheting Medical Tourniquet, QuikClot sponge, hemostatic gauze, non-hemostatic gauze, and Solo-T tape. I add a chest seal as well on certain hunts. It’s not the most comprehensive IFAK, but I view it as a good compromise...
  6. bigeasygator

    2021 blacktail bucks

    A little late to the thread, but here's my California archery BT from back in July.
  7. bigeasygator

    Sheep Show 2020
  8. bigeasygator

    Is Cabela’s played out?

    Whiskey Fish is spot on. Cabela's isn't what they once were to most of us. 30 years ago, they were more or less it when it came to specialized hunting products and apparel. You didn't have Sitka, Kuiu, Kifaru, Stone Glacier, etc. You also didn't have the internet. Cabela's is evolving in...
  9. bigeasygator

    Pick Apart My Gear List

    I didn't compare the details from the previous list to your current list, but a couple of comments from my experience. Cutting out 20 lbs is HUGE and that will feel way better on the mountain. That said, I wonder if you've gone too far in the other direction. I still see some areas that I...
  10. bigeasygator

    X curve

    I don't think you can really go too big, and I'd suggest a 6900. I ran it on a 10 day mountain goat hunt, and even though we lost a few days due to weather it was pretty dang full and I think I would've struggled fitting gear for 7 days in a 5900. Not saying it couldn't be done, just that the...
  11. bigeasygator

    Kifaru vs Stone Glacier: Most versatile

    This is exactly how I feel. If versatility is what you're looking for, I think Kifaru is a bit more versatile and provides more options than Stone Glacier. That said, I exclusively ran SG last year on two mountain goat hunts and an elk hunt, largely because I prefer the layout and weight of...
  12. bigeasygator

    Gaiters for New Mexico Elk in September?

    Where in NM? The terrain in that state is so varied from north to south. That said, I've spent probably about 40 days in the field hunting elk in NM. I've worn gaiters maybe one or two days and that's it.
  13. bigeasygator

    2018 Planned Hunts

    Only one trip planned thus far...I leave this Friday for a return to northern BC for another shot at a mountain goat with Bolen Lewis.