Recent content by ctmillwo

  1. C

    Sold Kifaru Lost Park Parka Coyote Size Large 1/2 zip Pullover

    Sold? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Help!!!! ISO Best Ultralight Solo Bckpacking Tent for hunting

    I went with the Ultamid 4 from HMG, they sent me the nest not the actual tent. Customer service responded within 1 business hour of my complaint with prepaid postage. I will say build quality seems excellent upon initial inspection and customer service was as kind and expedient as possible...
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    Switching to floorless.

    Unfortunately HMG sent me the wrong gear..... I am completely heartbroken in all honesty, I was excited beyond belief. I imagine they’ll help make things right next week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Switching to floorless.

    Thank you! Bought my 4 yesterday it’s on the way, I’ll use that trick! Any tips you’ve only picked up through experience for camping with your dog? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Switching to floorless.

    My thoughts were to spray permethrin on the border of my ground tarp and see if that helped with creepy crawlies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Help!!!! ISO Best Ultralight Solo Bckpacking Tent for hunting

    Check into Hyperlite Mountain Gear Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    2019 WNC Whitetail

    I’m just looking for the Opportunity to step out with the bow and put reps in. Practice the whole process of camping, hiking, locating game etc. thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    UL Cots

    6’2, unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be standing in much less than a red cliff or sawtooth. Thank you for all your input! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    2019 WNC Whitetail

    I live on the east coast of North Carolina, any recommendations for coming out west to setup a camp and public land hunt over the weekend? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    UL Cots

    Well you’ve alleviated any concerns I had in making this investment, any input on the 2 vs 4 from HMG? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    UL Cots

    Thanks! I see you post quite a bit on some of the threads I’m looking at. Specifically DCF shelters; lots of brands seem to have a good reputation, are there any standouts you recommend? Looking for a floorless because I plan to do lots of spring/summer camping with my dog. I’m thinking an HMG...
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    Range finder

    I went for the Bushnell 1000 arc due to immediate availability, it’s served me somewhat well as I’m using it for archery practice. However, in the field I could see it having some issues getting accurate numbers. With this unit when I get to about 75 yards the target I use is smaller than the...
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    UL Cots

    Thank you! I like the new helinox cots as well. Don’t own one yet, was looking for input before I plopped some cash down! What’s your usual pack in weight? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    UL Cots

    Any opinions/suggestions for an UL cot to take backpacking? Other than “don’t take one”
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    Switching to floorless.

    For a single guy with a dog (short term will be AT camping, long term goal is a western hunt) would you go with the Ultamid 2 or 4? Any opinion on whether you think a dog’s nails on the dyneema floor of the nest would be an issue?