Recent content by JustJustin

  1. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Another picture from last week. Like all the others, this one was also taken with my phone. I don't recall seeing this flower previous years, but there were many of them this year.
  2. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Another picture from last week.
  3. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Fresh snow on the mountains yesterday, so I had to drive up there and look at it. And I also had to shoot this picturesque cabin again.
  4. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Finally, one of my pictures of the aurora borealis. Phone picture from mid- lower Michigan.
  5. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Certainly not the best eclipse pictures, but I was satisfied considering the fact that I captured it with my phone! I used my 20-60x80 spotting scope (at 60x), a phone-spotting scope adapter, and a filter made from solar film, cardboard, tape, and paper plates.
  6. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Dewy morning. Phone picture.
  7. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    It's been months since I've posted here, so I got some catchup to do. Phone picture of a lowly thistle. FYI- how I got it I shadowed the bloom with my body when I took the picture, giving me a washed-out background. In Lightroom mobile, I heavily decreased saturation in the greens and yellows...
  8. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Day-to-night photo. A picture from midnight blended with a picture from a bit before sunrise. Shot and processed on my phone.
  9. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Milky way, stars, and June snow, at 9,100'. I thought it turned out pretty decent for a phone picture.
  10. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Another picture from the spectacular sunset on Wednesday. The picture I posted yesterday was wide angle, this one is 'normal', maybe that gives you an idea how much brightly lit cloud there was! Both are phone pictures from across the road from our house. I adjusted light and color tones in an...
  11. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Five minutes after official sunset, the sunlight reflected underneath a band of clouds to the west and spectacularly lit up this thunderstorm.
  12. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    In a little cave under the edge of a waterfall.
  13. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    I caught this nice bolt with my phone a few days ago. There's too much light to do significantly long exposures during daylight hours, so I set my phone to 8k/24 fps video. I manually set the speed, ISO, and focal distance for the conditions. If there's a good stike, I stop the video. If not, I...
  14. JustJustin

    Photography- one photo a day

    Here's another puddle picture that I took 11 minutes before the one I posted earlier. This puddle was actually in the lane of travel on a gravel road.