Recent content by theotherdubya

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    Conservation Organization

    Seems to be a ton of BHA hate around here, but I am a big fan of how MT BHA keeps members informed of legislative issues at the state level.
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    Stretching program?

    I've never been very flexible, but was incredibly surprised with how much my flexibility (and range of motion) improved with the MTNTOUGH Foundation Minimal Gear program.
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    Colorado, it’s draw time!!

    Just got hit with the pre-auth for Elk.
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    Is this enough Pistol?

    Don't have any experience with this, and hope not to... that being said the Hunt Backcountry Podcast has an episode with Chris Forrest (an ex-SEAL) from Tactic MT who teaches a two day class called "Surviving the Griz" - they go into handgun (very high on the 10mm) vs pepper spray, but stress...
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    Mark's Glock was empty

    Sad deal. The Hunt Backcountry Podcast has an episode on Grizzly Awareness that is both interesting and educational for anyone going into griz country. They go into detail about both pepper spray and handguns, but also talk about how quickly you need to be able to reach it. Hunt Backcountry...
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    Coffee While Hunting

    Dark Timber is my choice - their ascent packs (like tea bags) are super convenient and the coffee is great
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    How much do you really use your stove while backpack hunting?

    I was in the Flat Tops for first season too, and just like that I am looking for a shelter with a stove!