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  1. S

    Pricey new custom string improperly installed by shop... should I insist on replacing the string or just have the shop twist the string?

    I've been shooting a compound bow for the past three years and freaking love it! Admittedly, I lack a lot of technical knowledge, although I'm picking things up little by little via trial and error. Recently, I had my zebra string on my VXR replaced with a Rogue 21 premium custom string...
  2. S

    How much does the Ethics Outsert Sleeve cover the arrow shaft (with insert already installed)?

    I’ve been scouring the internet, researching the Ethics Insert/Outsert system for .204 arrows to possibly have installed on Apollo arrows. I’ve been unsuccessful trying to figure out the length of the outsert sleeve or rather how much the sleeve/footer/outsert actually covers the arrow...