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    WTB Kifaru 500D Organizer in coyote

    Looking for a Kifaru 500d organizer in coyote
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    WTB Kifaru Urban Zippy

    is there anyone looking to get rid of their Kifaru urban zippy packs at a reasonable price? Prefer black, wolf gray and coyote if possible
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    Conceal carry

    They make movies based on situations like this lol Crazy stuff but not surprising
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    Shot Show 2024 Mega Thread

    Have a nightforce nx8 1-8. Wonder what else they could come out with
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    New Packs from Kifaru 2024

    Hope they offer more colors with their products
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    Conceal carry

    Good thinking. She was extremely lucky you were around that day
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    Conceal carry

    ever wonder what you would have done if you weren’t carrying?
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    Gear I Can't Live Without.

    Same but a victorinox
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    Conceal carry

    Interesting story thanks for sharing
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    How’s your fuel prices

    2.99 and I thought I would never see under 3 in New Jersey
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    Conceal carry

    Not trying to be argumentative either but I’m curious as well. When I’m with family I’m even more inclined to carry than if I was by myself.
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    Keep hurting my lower back any tips so this will stop.

    Have you talked to more than one doctor? Maybe get a second opinion
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    Conceal carry

    99 percent of the time