KUIU vs FHF Bino Harness


Jul 10, 2013
I need a new bino harness and have been trying to decide between the FHF and KUIU, as others have as well.

Looking at the KUIU, it looks very simple and light weight. The cover flap simply pulls down and remains out of the way for accessing the binos as well as re-storing them when finished glassing.

Looking at the FHF, it looks slightly more bulky than the KUIU (more squared-off seams/construction and very heavy-duty). And, having to unhook the elastic cord and then lift and hold the cover flap out of the way (although quiet and simple) seems like it is slightly more cumbersome to access the binos, and later re-store them, when compared to the KUIU.

It also seems like the harness approach is what really sets these apart in design. Although they look very similar at first glance, with straps forming an X on the back, there's a significant difference in that the KUIU does not have straps that attach to the top of the bino pouch (the top straps only attach directly to the binos themselves). I'm guessing that this can result in a pretty different feel when wearing these two bino harnesses.

When wearing the FHF, due to having top and bottom straps attached to the bino pouch, the weight is ensured to always be equally distributed between the top and bottom straps and across the X on the back. The exact amount of tension adjusted for the straps doesn't seem to be very important for the pouch to function, it's just a matter of personal preference for how high or low the pouch rides. Imagining hunting scenarios with changing weather, leaving a little bit of room in the strap adjustments could also make it quick and easy for adding or removing a layer or two (because no adjustments would need to be made).

When wearing the KUIU, the company stresses that it requires that the bino pouch rides high and that all straps are to be tight and snug. Examining the design, this requirement makes sense. If the top straps (attached to the binos) were loose, then (1) the top of the binos might start to fall forward away from the body, unless the bottom strap was uncomfortably super-tight and (2) the top of the bino pouch cover couldn't be easily removed one-handed as designed/advertised by pulling out and down because the top of the binos wouldn't be held upright snugly against the body. If the bottom straps were too loose, then this slack would allow the X on the wearer's back to slide up until it was resting on the back of the neck... feeling as though you were only wearing a simple neck strap and not a X harness (not very comfortable). So, the KUIU really must be worn with all straps tight and snug, just as the company states. This might also make it slower to add/remove clothing layers as weather changes because the straps would always have to be re-adjusted to perfectly fit tight and snug.

Regarding actual protection of the bino lenses, both provide cloth padding coverage, but neither FHF nor KUIU have pouches that fully encase their binos. The FHF has small gaps on the sides while the KUIU has an open section on the back. In most of the pictures I've seen of people using both of these bino systems, people often seem to keep using their factory rubber lens covers that came with their binos to keep the lenses perfectly dust-free (personally, I'm curious about how necessary it is to use the rubber caps). So, FHF and KUIU seem to have equal performance regarding bino coverage/protection.

So, conclusions for comparing the FHF and KUIU are:
Bino access: KUIU is easier and more simple (nothing to unhook, as with the FHF).
Bino protection: KUIU and FHF appear to be equal in terms of padding and offer moderate dirt/dust protection (both appear to sometimes still be used in combination with factory rubber lens covers when ultimate protection is desired).
Harness comfort: FHF appears to be more comfortably designed because the straps attach to both the top and bottom of the bino pouch, ensuring that weight is always equally distributed between the top and bottom straps and across the back. The FHF harness also seems to allow the user to determine the level of tension that they prefer for the harness straps, while the KUIU requires that all straps be tight and snug at all times.

Personally, I think I'm leaning away from the KUIU because of how tight it's required to be worn to function. It looks like someone from KUIU recently posted a video on youtube about how to fit the KUIU bino harness (just go to youtube and search for "HOW-TO: KUIU Bino Harness System Assembly, Fitting, & Operation"). Even though that person was fit and trim, it was still adjusted so tight that the narrow straps appeared to be cutting into them at times in order to accomplish the high and tight ride. Straps that tight just don't look comfortable to me, especially when wearing that harness all day, day after day, hiking and climbing. Plus, the inconvenience of having to readjust everything on the KUIU every time a clothing layer is added or removed to maintain perfect strap tightness doesn't sound fun.

Having said all of that, I again want to acknowledge that this post is just what I've been able to piece together, combining everyone else's comments and my own visual observations into this one post, and that I don't own either of these 2 bino systems (yet). Since I'm about to make a final decision to order one of these, I'm curious to hear other thoughts about these conclusions, especially regarding experiences with the strap tension requirements and the ease of adding/removing clothing layers when using the KUIU versus the FHF and their non-elastic straps.
Mar 20, 2013
Banks of the Red Deer River Alberta
Wow, that was a lot of reading :), you've obviously done a lot of research on these harnesses. Do you ever use a tripod for glassing? One of the main deciding factors for me going with the Alaska Guide Creations harness and pouch is that the binos are not attached. Makes it a lot easier to remove and mount them to the tripod.


Feb 24, 2012
Wow, that was a lot of reading :), you've obviously done a lot of research on these harnesses. Do you ever use a tripod for glassing? One of the main deciding factors for me going with the Alaska Guide Creations harness and pouch is that the binos are not attached. Makes it a lot easier to remove and mount them to the tripod.

Fyi... takes 2 seconds to remove the binos from the FHF so removing them from the straps is a non-issue since the bino straps have quick release buckles.

Solo06 - I leave my rubber eyecup covers off and adjust the lid of my FHF to cover them somewhat snug. Dust does get on them but nothing more then normally would from using them. I keep a lens cleaner cloth in the little pocket and use as needed.
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Jul 19, 2012
Great Falls, MT
I have both, I just got the Kuiu yesterday so I will have to try it out for a while before I give my judgement. Here are a few of my initial thoughts.

1) BOTH have quick release buckles on the part that attaches to the binos, so taking off to put on tripod or whatever you want to do takes seconds.

2) I like the way that the kuiu is more compact and cleaner looking. The little pockets on the side are essentially identical. I haven't ever really used anything in the zippered pockets on the FHF... if you use them, that may be a deciding factor.

3) Both are able to be used without having to completely close up the system... the lid on the FHF tucks in so you dont have to use it, and the kuiu folds forward so you dont have to use it. I like the way KUIU does this better because you dont have to stuff the binos in with the lid, it can be tight, but I would say they both work well. BOTH systems are good, but I really like the lid on the KUIU better right now. I plan to keep the ocular cups on my binos one way or another, and it seems that the KUIU accommodates this a bit better.

4) the FHF seems a bit bulkier, but also more shock resistant if that is something you are worried about.

5) I dont know yet, but the big patch on the back of the kuiu one may cause sweat.... not so on the fhf.

6) the system on the kuiu is different that I am used to. So it will take me a while to get used to the compartment only being held on by the bottom straps. Honestly though, when the binos are in the pouch it feels the same as the fhf/sitka/badlands/etc.

At first I was worried about the fact that the top straps only hooked to the binos.... but the more i play with it and the more i use it, it is not bad at all. You do NOT really need to get the bottom one that tight because one you put the binos in it, it is held in by all 4 straps anyhow. Adjustments take about 5 seconds and are very well placed and easy to adjust.

Right now I like the FHF gear one a bit more, simply because it is what I am used to. I will be scouting all weekend and plan to ride my horses... this is when i feel like i can really get an idea on how they will ride because they bounce around a lot. THe only thing I dont like about the KUIU besides the different system of holding it, is that the bottom "cup" is kind of tight aournd the binos, but that may loosen up some.

PS: i think the KUIU thing that they send to use without the cover is almost impossible to use in a practical manner.


Jul 10, 2013
Wow, that was a lot of reading :), you've obviously done a lot of research on these harnesses. Do you ever use a tripod for glassing?

Sorry about the long post. :) I've just done a serious upgrade on my binoculars, retiring my old school non-multi-coated, non-fogproof, non-waterproof binos for a set of Zeiss Conquest HD's. Wow, bino technology sure has come a long way after a few decades! So, I'd like to protect them. And, I'd like to try to avoid having to explain to the Mrs. and her rolling eyes why I've spent around $100 on a special bino pouch only to find that it's just somehow not quite good enough and another one is needed. Oh, how she loves to hear me talk about hunting equipment. :)

No, I don't currently use a tripod for glassing. My guess is that a tripod wouldn't be as helpful around here (KY) as they would be out west.


Jul 10, 2013
I leave my rubber eyecup covers off and adjust the lid of my FHF to cover them somewhat snug. Dust does get on them but nothing more then normally would from using them. I keep a lens cleaner cloth in the little pocket and use as needed.

Thanks for sharing your experience with the FHF. Although I've seen the rubber lens covers used in some pictures, since there's a little open space on the sides of the FHF, I've been curious about how often those rubber lens covers are actually used by people with the FHF.

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
I have the FHF and handled the Kuiu side by side (thanks to Slim) with mine this weekend. I like the design of the Kuiu a lot. The only thing I didn't like was the magnets for holding the lid open are a little weak. Doesn't look like it would be much of an issue at all but it could be better.

Overall I like the Kuiu lid better even with the weak magnets.

I don't think you could go wrong with either one though.
Jul 19, 2012
Great Falls, MT
I have the FHF and handled the Kuiu side by side (thanks to Slim) with mine this weekend. I like the design of the Kuiu a lot. The only thing I didn't like was the magnets for holding the lid open are a little weak. Doesn't look like it would be much of an issue at all but it could be better.

Overall I like the Kuiu lid better even with the weak magnets.

I don't think you could go wrong with either one though.

HAHA, i didnt even know it had magnets, either way it seems to stay out of the way very well



Mar 28, 2012
SE Wisconsin
i havent seen the kuiu in person, but it does seem like because it flips towards you it may be a bit more resistant to dust as the FHF is so open on the sides--i dont think this will be an issue for me, however maybe a concern if you are riding a 4 wheeler or something. just an observation from pictures though i havent seen it first hand


Feb 25, 2012
Justin the KUIU pouch doesn't use magnets... You talking about the sitka bino bivy maybe?
Sep 18, 2012
Southern Utah
I think your research is spot on. I do think when each harness is wrong the comfort nod would go to KIUIU thought. I sold the FHF and have the KUIU now to try for this season.

Two and half things that made me get rid of the FHF. 1: The lid as you described is annoying if your just going in and out with the binos while hiking around you have to hold the lid out of the way to get them back in. If your constantly glassing you can tuck it out of the way but that lid drove me crazy. 2. The webbing only straps made me sore after a full day. And the part that just gets a .5 is that the material is noisy. Every stick and such that drags across it is pretty noisy.

Love almost everything about the KUIU. Lighter. Quieter. Simpler. (*Its easier to adjust fit than the FHE in my opinion. You worried about adjusting it for layers and I found that more problematic with the FHE but neither were a big deal*) However as your research stated the lack of a strap on the top is crazy to me. Maybe you just have to get used to it but I sure wish it had it in my initial trips with it. The torso strap on the bottom doesn't have to be as tight as I imagined it would be but its still tighter that I would like. I think for a skinny guy (no gut like myself) or heavier binos it would have to be even tighter.

But if I had to say right now which I liked more it would be the KUIU.
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Sep 18, 2012
Southern Utah
I have the FHF and handled the Kuiu side by side (thanks to Slim) with mine this weekend. I like the design of the Kuiu a lot. The only thing I didn't like was the magnets for holding the lid open are a little weak. Doesn't look like it would be much of an issue at all but it could be better.

Overall I like the Kuiu lid better even with the weak magnets.

I don't think you could go wrong with either one though.

No magnets on the KUIU and the lid staying open is no problem at all that I could tell...


Jul 10, 2013
Right now I like the FHF gear one a bit more, simply because it is what I am used to. I will be scouting all weekend and plan to ride my horses... this is when i feel like i can really get an idea on how they will ride because they bounce around a lot. THe only thing I dont like about the KUIU besides the different system of holding it, is that the bottom "cup" is kind of tight aournd the binos, but that may loosen up some.

Thanks for sharing all of those observations. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your experiences this weekend. All of that riding should give you a good feel for how changes in the KUIU adjustments affect the stability/security of the binos as well as comfort while wearing these for extended periods.


Jul 10, 2013
However as your research stated the lack of a strap on the top is crazy to me. Maybe you just have to get used to it but I sure wish it had it in my initial trips with it. The torso strap on the bottom doesn't have to be as tight as I imagined it would be but its still tighter that I would like. I think for a skinny guy (no gut like myself) or heavier binos it would have to be even tighter.

Maybe KUIU will come out with a second version of their bino system with straps that also attach to the top of the pouch? Then people could choose between designs with/without attached top straps. This could help address the different preferences about strap tightness and using heavier binos.
Jul 19, 2012
Great Falls, MT
using it more and more.... honestly i am leaning toward the KUIU. Dont want to admit it as I love to support a fellow montanan, but the KUIU is very light, very streamlined, very protective, and well thought out.

The concern of not having straps at the top is essentially gone for me. I use a big clip on the side of my rangefinder that clips perfectly to the mesh pouch and works great on both harnesses. I thought that this weight would cause me to have problems with the KUIU but it works every bit as good.... plus the rain cover will fit over the binos AND the rangefinder clipped to the outside.

I can take some pics tomorrow if you want, pretty slick and light weight/no nonsense system.

Also, for those of you worried about having to squeeze your lungs out to keep the kuiu in place, no worries needed, it doesnt seem to me that if will take any more than the FHF. In fact, with my pack on it seemed to hold everything in place even better allowing me to loosen it a tad still. Even with the ones from FHF and ALL other companies, you will still have to readjust after you change layers.

this weekend I will be hiking with my pack and riding the horses in the hills... should be a better comparison



Jul 10, 2013
I use a big clip on the side of my rangefinder that clips perfectly to the mesh pouch and works great on both harnesses. I thought that this weight would cause me to have problems with the KUIU but it works every bit as good.... plus the rain cover will fit over the binos AND the rangefinder clipped to the outside. I can take some pics tomorrow if you want, pretty slick and light weight/no nonsense system.

Also, for those of you worried about having to squeeze your lungs out to keep the kuiu in place, no worries needed, it doesnt seem to me that if will take any more than the FHF. In fact, with my pack on it seemed to hold everything in place even better allowing me to loosen it a tad still. Even with the ones from FHF and ALL other companies, you will still have to readjust after you change layers.

Sure, seeing some pictures of your rangefinder setup would be great. What kind of clip do you use? I liked the thought of going with the FHF so that I could also have a matching and functional rangefinder case attached as well. So, seeing some other options for attaching a rangefinder to the KUIU would be appreciated.

Good to hear your experience with the KUIU and not having to adjust it extremely tight, as I had wondered about earlier.

Previously, with my lightweight binos and a 100% elastic harness from Crooked Horn, I never had to bother readjusting after adding/removing clothing layers. But, now with having heavier binos and switching to one of these non-elastic harnesses, I guess some readjusting will always be needed after adding/removing layers.