2014 Kifaru Nomad

Do you get charged the day you place the order or when it ships?

Also with Kifaru is there ever a coupon code? Im always looking for a deal and when I see that "enter coupon code" icon it always makes me wonder if I am missing one.
Do you get charged the day you place the order or when it ships?

Also with Kifaru is there ever a coupon code? Im always looking for a deal and when I see that "enter coupon code" icon it always makes me wonder if I am missing one.

Haha, if you hold your breathe for a coupon you'll either pass out or die. I believe the coupon code is if you have a gift cert you would enter it there.

Only sales I have ever seen are on items being discontinued, such as the recent sale on OD goods.

You do get charged up front.
Yeah , I wouldn't count on the coupon ! Lol. I think the code is there as part of the website template they use or like Dotman said for gift certificates.
Do you get charged the day you place the order or when it ships?

Also with Kifaru is there ever a coupon code? Im always looking for a deal and when I see that "enter coupon code" icon it always makes me wonder if I am missing one.

It appears you get charged when you place the order. Angie invoiced me this morning and my credit card has a pending charge on it.
Nomad coming 4/11. Are they pretty accurate with the ship dates? Any chance they come sooner? I have only ordered accessories in the past first pack.
The multiple times Ive ordered from Kifaru. They are pretty good about giving you a build date way out but if they are ahead youll get a nice suprise email once your pack is ready to ship. I dropped a bag off last week Heath told me 2 weeks I had it back in my hands with in 4 days. So that kind of gives you an idea. But Im not saying your pack will be that fast, just that if they get it done way ahead of schedule it will be like Christmas for you =-)
I used different colors on lid and 4800 so you could see easier.

So you guys that have High Camps, or want to have multiple options, you could run this system several ways....

Looking forward to trying out my Nomad with the High Camp 7k. Won't have much excuse for lack of space! ;)
Got my Multicam Nomad yesterday. All I can say is this thing is amazing. Those videos don't do it justice. Thanks for talking me into canceling my original order and getting the Nomad Aron....
Nomad Ship Date...5/12....will know the results of all the draws by then......time will drive me nuts.....but just the fact that it is before memorial day weekend makes me happy.
Well, since someone else revived the thread...

Aron, any idea on shipping dates for a nomad, lid, grabit, and duplex. (Highlander)
My ship date was 4/24 but it seemed like things got moving pretty fast. Are the additional items slowing mine down.

Trying to be patient, thanks.
Had fresh snow on the ground yesterday and some sort of delivery truck pulled in my yard while I was at work. Footprints went to the front and back door and no package anywhere. It was probably something my wife ordered, but it was like following a blood trail- so much anticipation! But nothing...maybe the dude was just taunting me...patience...
When/where do you get your shipping dates? I just ordered an EMRII last night and got the confirmation email, but there's no date on there. I'm not in a huge hurry, and I'm patient...just curious.