Why dark tent colors?

Sep 2, 2015
I'm curious, I'm planning to buy a Mountainsmith Mountain Shelter LT. While considering color choices, either yellow or green, it seems to me most advantages are to the yellow.

Easier to find in the dark if coming in to camp at night or friends linking up. Less need for a light to see or read by if spending the day inside due to weather. Moderately cooler in warm weather. Easier to tell if I have over slept on a hunting jaunt when waking up in the morning, (don't laugh, it happens!). Easier to spot in a (may the Lord forbid it) search and rescue situations.

The only benefit I can see to the darker color, green, is for concealment and moderately warmer due to solar heating in cool temps during daylight. I understand concealment on the battlefield or if surrounded by two legged coyotes.

But for backcountry hunting adventures, it seems the advantage is towards the brighter color. Am I missing an element of color choice in shelters for darker or subdued colors which should be considered?


Feb 1, 2014
I want my camp to blend in, not stick out. Too many ways to mark camp on multiple devices to need a bright tent to find. I don't want other people knowing where I am. In case of a rescue situation I have a blaze orange interior on my quilt I can use as a signaling device.

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