Commercial deer harvesting pictures - Australia

Feb 8, 2017
Hi all,

I was going through some pictures I took recently and thought some of you might be interested in seeing these. First, some perspective...

At the moment, the state I live in is in the middle of the worst drought in recorded history. Combine this, with the area being full of deer, and you have a lot of pressure on farmers and other animals. One of the properties I hunt a lot was only hunted by a bowhunter for a few years before me, and he didn't kill many deer. As a result, on this property, the deer are in big numbers. This year alone I've killed close to 70 deer, and 60 of them have been on this property, which is less than 3000ac.

The farmer loves the deer being around the place and I often put a lot of venison in their freezer, but they're at the point where they want the numbers thinned out a bit. I shoot as many as I can in using a variety of methods, but butchering/processing that many, even just to give away, is a lot of work. For this reason, I called a mate of mine who commercially shoots/harvest animals for human consumption. In one night we killed 23 deer without too much hassle. I took these pictures for anyone who may be interested.

The property owner feels the pressure is off them and they don't see quite as many deer when they are out and about, which is good. I still want there to be lots of deer around for me to hunt so I'm not interested in eradicating them; it's all about management.

Impressive set up he has. Seems like he should have a team of butchers to knock it out quicker.
He doesn't need much help, mate. He is incredibly fast at hanging/gutting them. I would have only been in the way if I tried to help. He takes them gutted to a coolroom (chiller) that is essentially the back of a truck, and someone drives it away to a processor every week.

I rate myself fairly well with a knife in a hunting situation but this bloke is next level.