Google Earth Scouting Trick


May 28, 2014
Southern Utah
I just came across this tool on Google Earth. I hadn't seen this before and don't know if many people are using it. If you are looking for glassing spots on Google Earth you can make a waypoint and then use the Viewshed tool to see all the area you should be able to glass from that spot. I thought it was pretty useful. I might be behind the times. Does anyone else use this tool?


Google Earth Pro Viewshed Tool - YouTube

I was messing around with it a bit. To get it to work over 9500' elevation you have to set the elevation of your waypoint to Absolute and then enter the elevation in meters. Works out ok after that.
Good stuff - thanks. I had to sign up for the pro version. I didn't know that was a free option.
dang, now if they'd start live satellite feed, I could just stay in my chair under the air conditioner.

Seriously great tip.
Thanks for the post.

Set the drop down box to absolute, then tick both check boxes (extend to ground and track curser height), then move the waypoint. The waypoint will have the elevation automatically filled in.
If you download Pro and it asks for a license key just use GEPFREE and it should work. Pretty handy feature to have thanks!