Poaching or just thrill killing?

I've never personally seen that on dozens of animals shot in the heart and/or lungs. I had a cow go over 1/4 mile one time. When I split her open, there was no heart.....just small chunks and soup.
I've seen it several times, but you certainly can't count on it. Most times they'll cover a little ground like you described.
So you watched it for, as you say several days. did it maybe cross your mind to call fish and game and report what you were watching, or did you just sit there and enjoy it as the smiley face indicates.
Comments like yours are why I don’t typically use social media.
I watched from several miles away, there was absolutely no way to tell who was doing what. Furthermore there were several Wardens running around down there!
I’m done.
Comments like yours are why I don’t typically use social media.
I watched from several miles away, there was absolutely no way to tell who was doing what. Furthermore there were several Wardens running around down there!
I’m done.
As you please. Several wardens running around for several days. I have to take it, they were also just watching.
Quite honestly if you had seen the Chit Show that was going on in Dry Creek Basin you would have seen why this happened.
There were a couple of herds with over a hundred Elk in them and a few smaller. People were surrounding them and just shooting into the herds, it was absolutely insane. Fortunately I didn’t hear of any people getting Shot! I watched this crazy scenario play out from a mountain top quite a ways away for several days, kinda looked like a war zone. 🤣
I was hunting some private and public in the dry creek basin and you are right, it was crazy in there. The elk herds were getting ping ponged around every hour or so. I was lucky to take a legal bull on day 3 of the 3rd rifle season just off a piece of private.

I can't tell you how many times I heard 6-10 shots within a minute or two throughout the week. I was watching an elk heard while deer hunting and within 20 minutes, 6/7 trucks had pulled up and a flock of orange was headed up towards them. At one point I counted 23 hunters working the same herd, several at the same elevation, having entered from the same spot on the road.