Positive impacts of gun ownership


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
This is an article by Molly Carter on Ammo.com- great job Molly and they allow the reprint of the article if it contains the link, which is HERE- AMMO.com

A good read- [EDIT NOTE, this site won't take the whole article...you have to go to Ammo.com to read the whole thing]

American Gun Ownership: The Positive Impacts of Law-Abiding Citizens Owning Firearms
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Gun Ownership in America: A Guide on its Positive Impact
It’s no secret that mainstream press coverage of gun ownership in the United States tends to be in favor of gun control – especially when those reporting on the topic are not firearm owners themselves. Journalists focus on how many people are killed by guns, how many children get their hands on improperly stored firearms, and how many deranged individuals go on shooting sprees.
This anti-gun news bias is widespread among the “urban elite” who have very little personal experience with guns and yet write for influential newspapers like The New York Times, Washington Post, etc. Despite this bias, law-abiding private citizens owning guns does have positive impacts on American society that often go unreported – many of which are significant.

Criminals and the Armed Citizen
Perhaps the most notable impact of gun ownership on American society is how it influences the behavior of criminals.
The fact is, criminals fear armed citizens more than they do the police. There’s many reasons for this, but here are the most prominent:
  • Police are rarely onsite during a crime.
  • Police are bound by policy and procedures, and are trained to only use their firearms if it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Civilians are also less trained.
In a research study sponsored by the United States Department of Justice, James Wright and Peter Rossi interviewed over 1,800 incarcerated felons, asking how they felt about civilians and gun ownership. Thirty-three percent of these criminals admitted to being scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by a gun-owning victim. Sixty-nine percent of them knew at least one other criminal who had similar experiences. Nearly 80 percent of felons also claimed that they intentionally avoid victims and homes that they believe may be armed.
This shows that at least one in three criminals has been deterred because of an armed citizen, and that four out five avoid victimizing people that have guns.
Law-Abiding Gun Owners & Defensive Gun Use
Advocates of civilian disarmament tend to scoff at the capabilities of everyday gun owners. Many believe that guns in the hands of normal people are crimes waiting to happen. However, thanks to the research of individuals such as John Lott, we now have evidence showing that gun owners are some of the most law-abiding segments of the American population.
Lott drew the example of concealed license holders when compared to law enforcement:
“Concealed-handgun permit holders are also much more law-abiding than the rest of the population. In fact, they are convicted at an even lower rate than police officers. According to a study in Police Quarterly, from 2005 to 2007, police committed 703 crimes annually on average. Of those, there were 113 firearms violations on average.
With 683,396 full-time law enforcement employees nationwide in 2006, we can infer that there were about 102 crimes by police per 100,000 officers. Among the U.S. population as a whole, the crime rate was 37 times higher than the police crime rate over those years – 3,813 per 100,000 people.”
Not only are gun owners very law-abiding, they are also quite capable of defending themselves against criminals. Criminologists Dr. Gary Kleck and Dr. Marc Gertz carried out a study that found 2.2 to 2.5 million cases of defensive gun use (DGU). Around 1.5 to 1.9 million of these cases involved handguns. There is reason to believe that DGU numbers completely overshadow the criminal use cases of guns.
However, in today’s era of outrage politics, many incidents of DGU go under the radar because of their lack of shock appeal that does not make for good headlines.
A Sense of Security
Most people realize that law enforcement cannot be everywhere, yet so many rely on nothing but a 911 call to protect both their home and those inside it. For those who live in remote areas, it can take an hour or more for first responders to arrive after an emergency call, but in most cases, even five minutes is too long. But when a homeowner is armed and trained, the sense of security increases.
Thanks to modern psychology, we know that people need this sense of security in order to grow and develop into healthy adults. Not surprisingly, privately owned guns provide that. Sixty-three percent of Americans now believe that having a gun in the house increases safety. While some may dismiss the importance of feeling secure and safe, or claim that another person’s desire for safety makes them feel unsafe, it is by far the most basic of human needs. And without it, people are left feeling frightened, angry, and defensive – often unable to reach, or even focus on, higher goals.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
It's no different than a nation having a good strong national defense. Other nations are less likely to attack a nation that can defend themselves, just like criminals are less likely to attack people that can defend themselves. That's not rocket science. That's why bullies pick on the weak instead of the strong.

The local news had a clip on the other night where they had interviewed a couple career thieves that were in the county jail. They said they were much less likely to hit a home that had vehicles with NRA stickers and the like because they knew those people would have guns and be more likely to use them. They said they also prefer robbing two story homes because the occupants are more than likely sleeping upstairs and they could get in and out more easily without being detected.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
I've converted just about every liberal 'why does anyone need a gun' family I know around me here in CA by taking them shooting.

Still one family where the dad just doesn't want to go....I will change him this summer......or I will take the rest of his family without him!


Mar 16, 2019
"150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufactures from liability" "More than all the wars, including Vietnam, from that point on, carnage on our streets." -Joe Biden tonight

I've gotten used to all the misinformation and false facts over the years from the left when they're trying to push their anti gun agendas but this was on a whole new level of trying to push an emotional reaction. Almost half the US population was murdered with guns in the last 13 years? Lol okay Joe....
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May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Did you really expect anything different? They can't run a socialist country with every citizen still being armed and having the ability to resist.
No, not from that crowd of Dems. What I was hoping for is a better crowd of Dems!

I think what bothers me most on this gun issue is the misinformation....and the strategy these current Dems use of, "If you say it enough times it becomes fact" Obama started that with his Obamacare plan...and on many other topics. I'm sure he borrowed that strategy from someone else...but he really abused it. The media is complicit in the perpetuation of this. 5 drug dealers shoot each other and it makes the "Mass shooting" stats.

Oct 16, 2018
The Mr. Potatohead Theory...call someone Mr. Potatohead long enough, they start to believe they ARE Mr. Potatohead. The misinformation is gobbled up by those not smart enough to think for themselves.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
The Mr. Potatohead Theory...call someone Mr. Potatohead long enough, they start to believe they ARE Mr. Potatohead.

Joe Biden will argue against you all day long, as he still doesn't believe he's Mr. Potatohead.......even though he told a gathering in SC that he was running for Senate this week, and also claimed that 150 million people have been killed by guns in the U.S. since 2007. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for the guy.........his mind is gone.
May 8, 2017
I've converted just about every liberal 'why does anyone need a gun' family I know around me here in CA by taking them shooting.

Still one family where the dad just doesn't want to go....I will change him this summer......or I will take the rest of his family without him!

I think this is an important point and something I need to make a better effort of. There are a lot of people near/around where I live who would really benefit by going shooting, however I get tied up in wanting to do things by myself and make very little effort to take them. There are very few anti gun folks who, when given the chance to go shooting with someone who knows what they are doing, will dislike the opportunity to shoot. Rather, as you described, they will come away with a healthy respect and understanding of gun ownership.

Good on you for making an effort to take people out. It really does a wealth of help for ensure that we have solid 2A rights going forward.
May 8, 2017
Joe Biden will argue against you all day long, as he still doesn't believe he's Mr. Potatohead.......even though he told a gathering in SC that he was running for Senate this week, and also claimed that 150 million people have been killed by guns in the U.S. since 2007. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for the guy.........his mind is gone.

Its crazy that you say that about Biden as Ive felt the same way. Ive never been too pumped on the guy but its wild to watch his mind go. You can tell he doesnt understand what he's even saying sometimes. My dad is going through similar which is probably what makes it hard to watch.
Oct 16, 2018
And yet there are still those out there that really believe in the "facts" he's stating and the nonsense that AOC says, etc etc....