Thoughts on BRO guys?

Dec 16, 2014
Last year was a great series until Montana then it was uninteresting. This year (2018) seemed a lot more "Jackass the movie" than last year. Too many injured elk this year, too much BS'ing around, don't care about the morning wake up scenes. Audio is screwed up, need wireless mics on everyone, if you're whispering on screen then you have something to say, be nice to hear it. I am eagerly awaiting the Wyoming hunt with Trent.

Preferred Destination Elk with Cory and Donny, even they had injured elk and missed shots. Strange year for the video guys.

Randy Newburg is all about the Llamas this year. Meh.

Just had to get all that off my chest. :rolleyes:
Mar 15, 2017
I would share a camp with them. They seem like genuine guys and I like that they are able to show the real emotion, even when it isn't manly.

I only had time to watch the first 2 episodes of the new year but I look forward to catching up soon.
Jan 17, 2017
sw mt
Last year was a great series until Montana then it was uninteresting. This year (2018) seemed a lot more "Jackass the movie" than last year. Too many injured elk this year, too much BS'ing around, don't care about the morning wake up scenes. Audio is screwed up, need wireless mics on everyone, if you're whispering on screen then you have something to say, be nice to hear it. I am eagerly awaiting the Wyoming hunt with Trent.

Preferred Destination Elk with Cory and Donny, even they had injured elk and missed shots. Strange year for the video guys.

Randy Newburg is all about the Llamas this year. Meh.

Just had to get all that off my chest. :rolleyes:

Even newbergs show had a questionable shot/lost elk. I Think a lot of it is shows actually showing what happened, not just kill shots and success.
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May 26, 2017
North Idaho
My hats off to them. Elk hunting is tough, and filming makes it tougher and costs you energy, time, money, and opportunities. Then you put it on line and it turns to a job, and opens yourself up to everyone's opinion about every thing you do. Shorter would be better for me (only when I'm not on the bike trainer, then they are too short ):


Nov 4, 2015
I don't understand the to many lost elk comments. Archery is a blood sport with far from 100% recovery. It doesn't always happen perfect and they showed it. I''m not a fan of watching guys wake up in tents and joke all the time. Seems like they were scratching for content and filmed everything but dropping deuces, maybe that's next year?


Aug 1, 2017
This post is going to be long, I apologize in advance! Several points I want to mention. As many know I have given my opinions in supporting the BRO guys in the past, this is a continuation of support. I invite anyone critical to watch todays video with Trent's Wyoming Bull.

1. I would suggest watching the talking they do towards the end of the video (I know it is sometimes more fun for some just to watch the hunting content). The first point I would like to make is the remorse shown in losing a bull by Treavor (As well as the rest of the guys). He clearly shows remorse and also talks about making adjustments to his own shot selection process. Seems to be learning from "Mistakes". Although I still feel this was a freak occurrence. This brings me to point 2.

2. Watch Trent's shot on his Wyoming Bull. Both shots seem eerily similar, but with vastly different results. Both Bulls seem to be very alert. Both bulls seem to be at very similar ranges. While Treavor's Bull moved several inches prior to the shot, Trent's didn't until after the arrow had done it's damage. I know some feel this was a bad shot! This is not my opinion, based on my own experience. My experience with this shot is more like Trent's outcome. This brings me to point 3.

3. I feel I am selective about the shots I take, but have taken the frontal shot on a bull in the past (and will again if it seems right). I have also passed on the frontal shot (judgement call in the heat of the moment). I shot a 4 point Roosevelt Bull about 6 years ago using a frontal shot. It was close, and I shot. I had absolutely no doubt I could make due to a lot of shooting practice (typical for me). My experience was much the same as what I saw in the video tonight with Trent's Bull. Arrow went clear through the bull. Huge blood trail (I also shoot heavy arrows and have a 343 IBO bow- does shoot slower with my draw and arrow weight). Bull went about 70 yards total. This brings me to my next point.

4. You can lose a bull on any variety of shots. It is always a calculated risk. I think only the guy making the shot truly knows how high of a risk. All others don't know all of the variables (practice, equipment, comfort feeling in the situation). I had a shot 3 years ago on a broadside Bull at 55 yards. The shot looked completely clear. Anchored and felt good at the shot. The Bull acted hurt and slowly moved off. I followed for a while hoping for a follow up shot. When I wasn't getting any closer, I came back to the spot I shot from and waited for a few hours. Went and found the arrow. covered in blood. Didn't look like guts (Bright red, not pink like lung blood). Followed blood trail for about 20 yards, where the bull had stood over a log. There was a spot on the log where it was a pool of blood about a foot in diameter, then after that nothing. I still don't know what happened for sure. However, I am positive the Elk is still alive. I looked for the Bull all the rest of the day until dark. I hunted in that area for the rest of the season. No Bull found. No birds or predator activity. Nothing! I shot a deer earlier that year at the same distance with a heart shot (Lots of practice, and know I can make that shot all day long). My point is, you can lose an animal with any shot! This brings me to my next point (Really expounding on this point).

5. I hate to see us beating up other hunters. As I wrote earlier, I think the only person who can say whether or not you should take a specific shot (As long as you are being ethical and not just flinging arrows and hoping one sticks) is you! No one else knows all of the variables! I feel like the Anti Hunters do enough of a job talking down to Hunters. We should all stick together. Continually criticizing other hunters just gives more fuel to the Antis!

As I said before, these are Good Guys who care deeply for the Game they Hunt! Once again, just my opinion! I will continue to watch and enjoy! It is a long painful time until next season!


Dec 5, 2018
Last season was great. It was a new fresh idea. Now everyone and their brother is doing it and for me it has lost its appeal. Lots of filler in their content. I quit watching when they note 91 trucks while driving to their "spot" and a bunch of their stickers and logos at the trail heads. That may excite them, but It drives me crazy. Social media is runining hunting. They are all creative minds they will find the next thing, but I don't see the day by day thing living much longer.


Aug 27, 2018
I guess it's better than watching whitetails get shot off of feeders on the outdoor channel.


Jun 9, 2014
"social media is ruining hunting"...Isn't this place social media??? I definitely agree though. Already anxious to see how many more hunters will be deer hunting the basin with me. One of them published a video to YouTube and Instagram of all the nice bucks complete with a panaromic telling everyone exactly where they hang out...every year. Looks like these guys do a good job of not doing that where they're elk hunting.


Jun 3, 2017
Social media is not ruining hunting. It can make good hunters better and it can certainly help inexperienced hunters shorten their learning curve but at the end of the day the majority of people who would classify themselves as hunters are not very successful and a good many are just not willing to put the effort in to succeed in hard conditions. Nothing wrong with that either. If a guy just wants to be in the woods and a critter happens by and he gets to fill a tag, yeah for him. Social media has been around since Al Gore invented the internet pretty much and if it was ruining hunting, I doubt there would be any critters left at all after all these years. That doesnt even take into account print media that started ruining hunting before Al Gore was even born.


Jan 31, 2017
I enjoy their series and look forward to each new release. Last years Land of the Free series set the bar and it is interesting to see many other channels mimicking a similar format


Jun 23, 2016
Trevor stated in one of the later un-cuts that he wouldn't be taking that shot past 20 yards in the future because it reduces the chance for a reaction from the bull. He said that the bull seem to move the most those last few yards (5 yards). I believe it was his first time taking that kind of shot. The bull was aware of them which cause him to jump the string and it resulted in a bad hit. Trent took a similar shot at 25 yards but the the arrow was on its way when the bull looked up. I have taken a quartering to frontal on a cow with no problem.


Feb 13, 2017
Central PA
They take a lot of shots that I wouldn't consider, but they have had a lot of historical success. Looks like they are struggling a bit more this yr with bad hits. I'm not going to criticize them though as one never knows quite what they will do in any given situation. I'm my own toughest critic and I'll leave the judgement on shot selection to others.


Mar 1, 2012
Ive gleaned thru the episodes. Some of its OK.

I could really do without watching a half an episode talking about using human piss to activate an MRE heater...

But hey, they did it
Jul 25, 2017
Kinda feel like the pressure for content is higher now and with that comes the potential to influence the taking of a shot that maybe shouldn't have been taken.
Nonetheless, I enjoy their videos. Feels a bit more relate-able than some of the other funded big name hunters.