Recent content by FlyAK

  1. FlyAK


    6.3 mile run 59 min
  2. FlyAK


    Manitou Incline x 3 Total time 3:29 Total distance 5.43 miles Total elevation gain 5,843’
  3. FlyAK


    4x5 bb bench 3x10 pull-ups 3x12 db overhead tricep ext 3x12 db bicep curls
  4. FlyAK


    For time 1/4 mile sprint 1/4 mile sled push 1/4 mile body weight lunges 1/4 mile sprint Completed in just under 36 min. Pretty mentally challenging. Had to take the sled and lunges 100m at a time alternating, but still got it done. The last sprint wasn’t very sprinty. Fun workout.
  5. FlyAK


    3x12 db incline bench 3x10 pull-ups 3x12 dips 3x12 bb curls Superset 3 rounds 20 4count flutter kicks with boots 1 min plank
  6. FlyAK


    1 mile run 4x400m hill sprints 2.5 mile run 4x25 4 count flutter kicks
  7. FlyAK


    3x12 db incline bench 3x10 pull-ups 3x12 dips 3x12 straight bar curls
  8. FlyAK


    Been gone for a while. Had a work trip for a month, then helped a friend move a piano and re injured my back (had surgery last Nov). I had no idea pianos were as heavy as they are; even small ones! 2 mile run 4x15 toes to bar 3x12 DL (super light weight) 50m sled push 1 min plank 100m sled...
  9. FlyAK

    AK Moose/Caribou Planning and Gear Lessons Learned

    Bring something for small game. Rabbits, grouse, ptarmigan are everywhere. Whether it’s a .22 or even a slingshot. I’ve killed countless birds with a slingshot. Good gaiters and rain gear are mandatory. If you’ve never walked through muskeg, it can be a real suck-fest. +1 on everyone’s...
  10. FlyAK


    Incline db bench 3x10 Bent over rows 3x10 Db lunges 5x5 Attempted some deadlifts but I had back surgery in Nov and they made me a little nervous and didn’t do them. One day I’ll get back to squats and DLs. 4 rounds no rest V-up x 15 4 count Russian twist x 15 4 count Leg lifts x 25 Flutter...
  11. FlyAK

    Ruck training

    Wags, I do the Manitou Incline about twice a week, usually mondays and thursdays. I actually just did it about an hour ago. Just under 36 min to the top. It’s a blast! Great way to prep for hunting season. Have fun!
  12. FlyAK


    Manitou Incline 1.6 miles round trip in 57 min. 2,768 steps equaling 2020’ elevation gain in .8 miles. Base/top elevation 6,530’/8,550’ Tonight I really pushed it and got a PR with a time of 35:55 on the way up.
  13. FlyAK


    DB bench 3x12 Pull-ups 3x10 DB lunges 3x30 Plate Superset 3x30 seconds Bicep curls/tricep extensions
  14. FlyAK

    Marsupial Gear shout out

    Really glad to hear they’ll be offering a no mag RF pouch soon! Great company in general
  15. FlyAK


    16.1 miles 4,930’ elevation gain 32lb pack A little over 7 hours