Recent content by Jmb413

  1. J

    Building a new bow…

    This looks like a blast! Id love to build one someday!
  2. J

    Why did you start hunting Trad?

    I was obsessed with the cartoon movie Robin Hood as a kid. I loved the outdoors but did not grow up in a hunting family.I started bow hunting with a compound at the age of 18. Killed 2 whitetail doe my first season with the compound and the snow started rolling. Got into gun hunting in addition...
  3. J

    Wyoming opener success!

    Thats awesome!
  4. J

    Can't Shoot A Big Bull If You Shoot A Small One First!

    Heck of a bull!
  5. J

    WY Antelope For a Newbie?

    Wyoming has great antelope hunting opportunities however I know the north east region has had a major decline in numbers in the past 5 years. That being said, I strongly believe if you are able to draw a tag in any part of the state and are willing to spend the time an opportunity will present...
  6. J

    First Big Game Animal - Idaho Controlled Hunt

    What a great experice! Congrats!!!
  7. J

    Sons first bull and daughters first elk hunt

    What an awesome experience for you both!
  8. J

    Finally got my first elk

    Great bull! Congrats!!!
  9. J

    WY Antelope: Regular vs. Special

    Special is supposed to be better odds however the odds don’t tend to be ever in my favor 😂
  10. J

    Wy Buck

    Great job!!!!!
  11. J

    Welcome to HOWL for Wildlife

    Good on you! Great org!