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  1. AKDoc

    Moose hunt 2023: A father & son adventure

    My son and I had a wonderful hunting adventure this year. I am very thankful that he was finally able to take a week away from work, and also thankful that he still enjoys spending time with his 71yo dad...we have always been very close. We were delayed a day for put-in due to a celebration of...
  2. AKDoc

    2022 ALASKA MOOSE 14-DAY DIY (and a preseason 10-day float)

    Preface: The rainfall levels in August and much of September were historically high in many parts of Alaska this year. It was a good reminder year for me that there are so many moving parts completely outside my control when actually going on a remote dropped fly-in hunt or float that has been...
  3. AKDoc

    14-days of remote solitude moose hunting in Alaska

    Remote solitude is exactly what I seek each fall when moose hunting, and I am very happy to spend hard earned money to achieve that goal. A hunting friend and I are both long-time residents, and I have been fortunate to have hunted for thirty-years with my children and friends for the different...
  4. AKDoc

    Remote Alaska DIY moose drop-hunts and more...

    I always pause at year end, count my blessings, review a few pictures/relive experiences, and plan for the new year with hope. Additionally, it’s been well below zero for over a week here, so it seems like the right time to encouragingly share some narrative and pictures of remote Alaska fly-in...
  5. AKDoc

    No monster bulls, but another great adventure...

    Glad to hear so many great adventures from folks here this fall. It was the hottest and driest summer on record up here, but our fall sure was wet. I was gone for nearly the entire month of September to western Alaska. My son joined a friend and I for an eight day hundred-mile remote...
  6. AKDoc

    Pausing to remember on Memorial Day... honor those who lost their lives. Our collective passion on this forum for the outdoors and hunting is a wondrous life-style and shared kindred together for sure! However, as a former Marine and war zone veteran, I always pause, and will never forget on this day, those who didn't come...
  7. AKDoc

    2018 in the book: Back safe and sound

    Been back from my 2018 moose hunt for a week now, catching my breath and digging out of the deep hole at work. Thought I’d do a quick write-up, which is something that I do not typically do. I know there are many who enjoy writing up their hunts and posting pictures, but that’s not been my...