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    Sheep Populations This article helps bring the scope of the population situation into perspective.
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    Sheep hunting video

    An excellent well done sheep video.
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    Older broomed Dall
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    Legal by curl in Alaska? Hold down left mouse button to rotate.
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    Light weight one man sheep hunter’s tent

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    Thank you

    A recent posting was probably one of the most emotional I have read. On one end of the spectrum was an animal that had been wounded and without question would have suffered a less than quick death; on the other end of the spectrum a hunter that was willing to go "above and beyond" to minimize...
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    Dall sheep new letter

    The ADF&G just posted a news letter about dall sheep. Contains historical, biological and management information about dall sheep . Joe Dall Sheep Hunting Additional Information, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
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    New Full Curl Field Guide for Dall Sheep

    ADF&G has developed a new booklet to help hunters identify legal Dall sheep in Alaska. Joe Dall Sheep Hunting Additional Information, Alaska Department of Fish and Game