Search results

  1. efnm

    Fuel canister question

    I wouldn't worry about it. Throw it in your sleeping bag at night if you are concerned about the morning cook.
  2. efnm

    FNG in NM

    Welcome to NM - prepare to dry out! Where abouts are you living now? I'm in Socorro area.
  3. efnm

    Should I get a cot?

    To answer the OP's question, the other great thing about cots is that you can store crap underneath them. It's a huge help in a shared tent.
  4. efnm

    Fires are burning out west

    This shit makes me very depressed. I dream of having a cabin in the woods some day but I fear for the health of any forest in the southwest.
  5. efnm

    Investing after a home sale. Where to put the proceeds?

    Split that $100k and put half in an index fund (like VTI mentioned above) and half in a high-yield savings account (I use CIT bank (not Citibank). Adjust that split depending on when you think you might need to access it. Break up the index fund buys a few weeks or months apart if you fear...
  6. efnm

    Investing after a home sale. Where to put the proceeds?

    The first $250k/$500k (Single/married) in gains are not taxed by the IRS if it has been where you are living for 2+ years. There are some other things you have to check, too. Edit: Unchained got the gist of it.
  7. efnm

    Giving away a lifetime membership to celebrate the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act

    Yes, I'd love to have the ultimate tool to obsess over maps.
  8. efnm

    Floorless in colorado

    Haha, that's a good point and one way to think about it.
  9. efnm

    Floorless in colorado

    I've never been interested in floorless in New Mexico. Then this happened in my buddy's tent 25' away when his 9 year old left the tent open in the Gila Wilderness last month. What a way to wake up in the middle of the night. Sealed the deal on no floorless ever for me. Colorado is close...
  10. efnm

    WTB MSR Windburner Skillet

    I've got one that I'd be willing to get rid of. Shoot me a message
  11. efnm

    Top 5 pre cooked meals to bring to camp

    I hit upon shepherd's pie recently. We do a deconstructed one and it is essentially taco meat but with Worcestershire sauce and tomato paste for the seasoning, mixed veggies (like corn & peas), and mashed potatoes on top. Nice warm, and comforting to eat.
  12. efnm

    Bag plus Quilt?

    I do this for hunting in temps between 10-20 degrees and am often toasty (good!). I am using a 20 degree bag and a 10 or 20 degree quilt, so I think you could definitely go this route.
  13. efnm

    New from New Mexico

    Where are you at in the state and did you draw? I'm out of Socorro.
  14. efnm

    NM Draw Results - When???

    I'm in for elk and deer in 36 & 17, my kid is in for elk and deer in 36 and 23. I'm hoping to draw first bull and he's hoping for his first of either and our fingers are crossed.
  15. efnm

    Black Rifle Coffee Company

    I had high hopes for their instant but was unimpressed by it. I like Vias enough more that I stayed with Starbucks. No thoughts on their beans since I support a local roaster.
  16. efnm

    NM Elk

    Great writeup, especially the day-to-day planning and the packout. Congrats to both of you!
  17. efnm

    Kodiak Canvas tents - yes please

    Occasionally Cabela's have them on sale.
  18. efnm

    Kryptek Altitude Line Sale

    Woah, I've never paid attention to Kryptek but I thought Sitka was expensive... How generous of them to mark their baseball hat down from $60. :)
  19. efnm

    Kodiak Canvas tents - yes please

    Newtosavage is spot on for the rug. It is a game changer in comfort, even something 2'x2' for your feet. I also use a buddy heater. Finally, I suggest that whatever tarp you put underneath, you should buy another one for inside as a carpet. I have had my tent leak water a few times but I never...
  20. efnm

    Elk heart how to?

    I've found it is a pain to trim the tough skin off of it but worth it. Most people don't think twice when eating it if you don't let them know it is a heart. May next time I'll just slice really thinly after a quick trim to try to avoid the trouble of a really good trim.