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  1. R

    a new hunter 'advocacy' group

    So, what you're saying is, you like the rules now, you like the form now, and nobody can take it away. Guess what: you're outnumbered. It's not about ethics. It's more about the concept of what is fair, what is fair chase. People who don't hunt are tolerant of hunting if it is what they...
  2. R

    a new hunter 'advocacy' group

    You all have to start thinking about hunting laws as a form. Like playing cards: Five-card draw, you get five cards from a certain kind of deck of cards, and you can draw new cards if you don't like the ones you have. The rules (the form) set out which hands beat other hands. It's a form that...
  3. R

    Have we talked about female hunter under fire for posing with a kill with a, um, toy?

    I don't think the outrage is "artificial," I'm outraged. You want to convince me it's artificial? Who should be outraged are the rest of us who want to keep the right to hunt. Hunting regulations, indirectly, are political, whether you like it or not. She made comments indicating that she is...
  4. R

    Floorless Mid Shootout

    That's Important to Me I would like to be able to stand straight up occasionally for a short while (old guy back) -- especially if chased inside by weather.
  5. R

    Floorless Mid Shootout

    Just looking at photos, the Cimarron looks "flat." Maybe, I missed it, but were you able to stand straight up in the Cimarron? How did it compare that way with the Kifaru?
  6. R

    Public Land Privatization, What We Can Do

    Well, the foot shooters are finally figuring some of it out and are acting like chickens coming out of the coop that just had a hand grenade thrown in it. Forget NRA; they have a different agenda. You won't need guns if you have nowhere to use them. Join up with ALL of the groups that have a...
  7. R

    Trump jr interview on hunting

    Nailed it. Just joined, and am glad to hear an (intelligent) voice in the wilderness, so to speak. Quality access is everything now. We are headed toward a system of no DIY -- only money. If it goes long enough we may be like Europeans, sitting on the sidelines watching the fox hunts and the...