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  1. D

    Horse it or not?

    Flat lander, where are u planning on hunting?
  2. D

    Horse it or not?

    Yeah mules can be pretty awesome, smart, see shit that is miles away! Can pack through anything. They can be evil also, they like to kill shit, dogs, goats any small animal, horse colts, people...
  3. D

    Horse it or not?

    They can make it or break, gotta have good ones, gotta know what ur doing, and u spend about 25 to 50 of your time taking care of them! For elk no question, for deer and sheep they can be a pain, hard to do anything with above timberline. They can and will hurt you if u spend enough time around...
  4. D

    Meet Billy!!!

    Nice buck, I'm hoping for an easy winter, if its bad there won't be many of them around next year, winter range is non-existent!
  5. D

    How big is this buck?

    I know it's difficult to score from that pic, but give me a range. Thanks
  6. D

    Winter Migration - how much snow is too much

    Ive seen bulls that didnt leave till there was 3 foot on the ground, This is the yellowatone migration to the feedlots. So much snow that we could not get off the trail on horseback or foot! They didnt seam to be worried at all about the snow at all. But in other areas that have no feedlots, I...
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    Wy. Area 88

    Yeah, I found a cool rancher that let me hunt his land right on the forest boundry and found a 15 1/2" goat that scored right at 80" He is the biggest I have seen in that area, the rancher told me that they have taken big gaots in years past. I'll get some pics up here soon Thanks
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    MT Giant Down!

    Thats a cool bull, Good job he is a monster!
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    North fork shoshone, Wy

    Cool thanks, Yeah I know the wolves pretty much destroyed the elk hunting, But i was not sure about mule deer. im sure not too many fawns make it up there. Yeah last time i tried a pack trip in Nov. it snowed for three days, When the snow was as deep as the side walls on the tent we left in a...
  10. D

    Wolf calling MP3 sounds?

    Didnt get a chance to try the caller on this trip, Got too busy packing elk meat, My wife took a nice 360" bull. I am planning another trip close to yellowstone so that should be good wolf calling country.
  11. D

    North fork shoshone, Wy

    Anyone hunt this for deer? I am thinking of packing in the last week of the general season and give it a go. Thanks
  12. D

    Wolf calling MP3 sounds?

    That would be great: [email protected] I apreciate it.
  13. D

    Wolf calling MP3 sounds?

    Wolf season will open in Wy. in 2 days, I need to download some wolf calls to my Alpha Dogg call, Does anyone know where I can find some high quality wolf sounds? I downloaded a couple but they are not that great. Thanks
  14. D

    One in a million shot!

    Thats a nice bull!
  15. D

    Digiscoping Sheep Pic

    Thats a cool pic!
  16. D

    hoback in the wyoming range

    Did you have any luck John?
  17. D

    What do you do to "bear proof" your food in the backcountry?

    1.bear proof panniers, If you have the option to use horses 2.put up a meat pole between two trees, take a pulley makes it much better 3.Build a cache, and a ladder, Alot of work
  18. D

    Wy. Area 88

    Yeah, I am in this area alot so I put in for it, Well I drew and it is not that great of a tag, Way too much private land for me. About the only public is in the forest service, But that might be a little high for a speed goat. If you could get permision from one of the large ranches it would be...
  19. D

    Hunting in grizzly country.

    Packed an elk out on horses and didnt think about washing the panniers a couple days later. Had a big boar follow us back to camp in the day light. It would have really sucked at night, At least you can see them in the day. I run into about 10 per year, Been charged by a sow and 3 cubs, Pepper...
  20. D

    560" elk

    Hum, He looks alot like the spider bull.