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    Has anyone studied Kyudo?

    I was doing some internet searching for a YouTube project I'm working on about the history of women and hunting, more specifically bowhunting. This image of Hangaku Gozen appeared. She was a Samari warrior skilled in archery from the late 12th and early 13th century. That got me more interested...
  2. FullSkipChain

    Women's Archery Night: Colorado Springs

    If you didn't know, Bill Pellegrino's has a monthly women's night. It's so much fun!!
  3. FullSkipChain

    Colorado Democrats Drop their Sponsorship on Bill to Ban Big Cat Hunting

    Three of the four sponsors for SB22-031 quickly dropped their support after wildlife management scientists, ranchers, advocacy groups, and other politicians opposed it. The bill proposed bans on shooting, wounding, hunting, and trapping the Canada Lynx, Mountain Lion, and Bobcat. It did leave...
  4. FullSkipChain


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