Adding Panel Pulls (question and need material)

Apr 18, 2019
I’m looking to add a few panel pulls to a tarp and was thinking about trying one of the no sew methods where you attach the webbing to a circular piece of silnylon and then use adhesive to bond it to the tarp. Has anyone had long-term success with this technique or is sewing absolutely necessary?

Also, do any of you diy shelter guys have any scraps I can buy off you? It doesn’t seem practical to place an order at ripstop when I just need about 18” of webbing and a piece of earth toned sil just big enough to cut out 3-4 ~2.5-3” diameter circles.


Jul 21, 2015
Man i would sew it. I cant inagine a no sew holding up long term unless the fabric is welded. Maybe there is some awesome adhesive i am unaware of.

Buy your stuff off ebay. You can get a full yard of 2nds ripstop for like $5 and free shipping. You dont need webbing. I use gutted p-cord for tie outs. But you can get 10 yards of 17337 webbing shipped to you off ebay for $15. I always buy more than i need.

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