Backcountry mule deer spotting scope


Oct 20, 2012
Megastink- For the budget folks....I run with a 8X30 Vortex Diamondback Bino and just picked up the Athlon Cronus 12-36X50 spotter from Cameraland on sale. For the optic size and weight the spotter is pretty clear. I've never looked through the 501 Kowa's. Now I'm just looking at animals and trying to determine a little more then if a buck is a "nice" animal and get a good sense of points....I'm not trying to judge total antler score. I've compared it with my Nikon Fieldscope II ED 60mm and the Nikon is better everything but that little spotter does not do too less than half the weight and a third of the price of the Nikon new. Maybe I'll try the 12X50 somethings bino. set up but it seems like it would be alot of weight around your neck all day. Anyway always fun to work out your system.


Jun 12, 2020
GDog, the 554 is absolutely crisp and clear all the way to max 45X, just as it is at 30X. It's also quite surprising how bright it is in the low light of early morning and dusk. Sure, you're going to lose a few minutes to a 70 or 80/85 mm objective, but it's brighter than I ever thought it would be. It gives up nothing to my buddy's ATS 65. I use my binos on the tripod as my primary glassing optic, and only use the scope to assess trophy quality. As such, I don't mind losing a few minutes, or the smaller FOV for a 28oz compact spotter to have a permanent place in my pack.
Coolio...thank you! That's exactly what I needed to hear. Ugh...sigh... now gotta wait until I can pay down some stuff. And also liquidate some motos I'm no longer using.