CO 2nd -4th choice/preference points?


Apr 1, 2019
WA State
I am applying for the CO Elk draw for the fist time. I am confused as to how the draw works. If I put the code for preference points into my first choice... and I am drawn. What happens to the 2nd, 3rd choice? Would I still get selected for one of those hunts? I understand if the you pick an area for the 1st choice and it is full... they will select your 2nd -4th choice? If that happens, you will still get a preference point.

But....From the rule book "You can gain a preference point as a first choice on your primary draw application to use another year. You can use your second through fourth choices on the same application to apply for a license."

I am confused! why not just always put the first choice as the preference point if you will get selected for 2nd through fourth choices anyway? What don't I understand?

Aug 10, 2015
If you apply for a preference point as your first choice you will automatically be awarded a point.

The draw will run through everyone's first choice.

Then the draw will run through the second through fourth choices of those remaining.

You are essentially banking on drawing your second (etc.) choice. If you want to pull a limited tag, you should be sure that what you apply for was able to be drawn after the first choice last year. Colorado allocates first choice big game tags according to preference points. After that, it's a matter of what's left when your number comes up.

Edit: This is how I have always understood the operation to work.
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Mar 1, 2012
Dont be confused

The Pref Point Code can only be used as the 1st Choice
Do this if you want gain another PP

Then, study the Statistics and find units that are drawn out on the 2nd - 4th Choice

That way you can get a PP, and maybe draw a 2-4 Choice


Pref Point Code for 1st Choice and hunt OTC.... LOL


Apr 1, 2019
WA State
I am over thinking this! So if I use my first choice for a preference point... after the 1st choices are handed out.... do they then redraw again based on preference points to select 2nd choice or is that a random draw on those not selected on 1st choice ... again repeat the process for 3rd choice, etc? It makes sense then to check if 2nd choices will be available.

I originally thought if your name was drawn... & 1st choice was filled they would give you 2nd choice & keep going down your choices until you ran out or one was available. Now it seems they have a fresh draw for each choice? If at anytime your choice for that draw was full you are SOL until the next draw? They actually have 4 separate draws?
Aug 10, 2015
If you look through the draw recaps, you will see tags that were all drawn by first choice applicants. You'll notice others where the quota was filled in the second choice. Some make it through all four choices with remaining quota. Those go to the "secondary draw". If they still remain after that, the tags will show up on the "leftover list".


Apr 23, 2020
The CO system isn’t really a ‘draw’ in the same lottery/raffle sense of other states. Tags are awarded first by number of preference points, then by choice level. Those with the highest points and listing a unit as their first choice get the tag. Then the next highest point total and so on down until all of the tags are gone. If the tag quota runs out during a certain point level, the ‘draw’ will then take place among all applicants with that point level. If all ‘1st choice’ applicants have been satisfied down through zero points, and there are still tags left over, then it will move on to anyone that listed that unit as their second choice, and who did not already get their first choice somewhere else (i.e you). The difference now is that points are no longer considered, as they are only gained or consumed during the first choice round. At this stage, if there are more ‘second choice’ applicants than tags remaining, the ‘draw’ will happen among all those listing this unit as their second choice, and so on to third and forth choices should the tags hold out that long.

When you see in the stats something like ‘drawn at 3 points - 50%’, it is telling you that the draw happened at the 3 point level with a 50% success rate. Those with more than 3 points got the tag automatically, and those with less were never even considered.

The system is sort of a double edged sword in that yes, you can build points while still potentially drawing LE tags, but the pure preference point nature means that with zero points now, there is realistically no chance at catching up to the top units which are 20-25 points (i.e years) ahead at this point. So sort of a bummer there. Hope that helps a little!


Jul 13, 2019
For your app it would look like this. When your point level comes up they will look at your first choice which you will get a preference point. Then they will move on to the next application. When they have gone through every applicants first choice they will go to everyone’s second choice , and that’s a random draw not using points. Once they have looked at everyone’s second choice they will move on to third. Same process to get to 4th choice. Points bought this year are not used this year.


Jul 20, 2020
Was just about to post asking if PP applied to 2nd/3rd/4th choices, but y’all answered my question. Thanks!


Jan 5, 2021
Western, PA
If you apply for a preference point you are letting all the 1st choice people ahead of you that don't use the preference point code. You dont go into the draw at all until the 2nd round start.

I have applied with another ground before they always wondered why they stopped drawing the 1st rifle season. well they are applying for a preference point, and putting in for 2nd choice. by then all the tags were gone for 1st season.

I applied this year with 2 others. we should draw with 0 points. I only have 1 point so I'm taking my loss. This area is a hidden honey hole, but the hike in is not very forgiving.


Jul 20, 2020
I applied this year with 2 others. we should draw with 0 points. I only have 1 point so I'm taking my loss. This area is a hidden honey hole, but the hike in is not very forgiving.
Is that like the herd of 150ish migrating Elk that crossed within 75 yards of me last year during 1st Rifle Season in a unit that can be drawn with 0 points? I wasn't holding a tag (scouting for 2nd Muley rifle), and it probably wouldn't have ever happened if I had been, but it was a phenomenal sight nonetheless.

Hike in was a real ball-buster though. 1 possible route while staying on public, 1400+ ft of elevation gain in about 3/4 mile of ground distance, and enough hands & feet/non-technical climbing action to make me seriously doubt my ability to pack out an animal without installing at least several hundred feet of handhold ropes to assist. All that to get to a tiny corner of public land with no water that splits two GMUs on different tags. I don't think I'd ever hunt it without access to the private that landlocks it from additional BLM land behind, but man it was a cool place.

I found an elk shed up there on that trip that was by itself hard enough to pack out, but made an excellent addition to the mantle.