Dry sacks?

Feb 29, 2012
Kitsap Co, WA
I was going to get a dry sac or two for storing my "want to stay dry gear" such as spare underwear,socks, shirt. Also am liking the idea of having a sac so that if I drop an animal I can put the meat in the main compartment of my t2 and use a larger dry sac to put everything into and just strap it on the outside of the pack. For my small sac I was looking at this http://cascadedesigns.com/sealline/dry-sacks/mac-sack/product Its the mac from seal line. Also I have a slick bag and use the kifaru compression sac but do you guys put your sleeping bag in a dry sac as well?


Jun 25, 2012
Anchorage, Alaska
I just put my sleeping bag in a black hefty trash bags since it is pretty darn light and works well for me. My extra clothing either goes in a hefty or in ziplocks. When packing meat I always put it in the game bag then in a trash bag to keep the blood from getting all over my pack or any gear I have in my pack. Yeah the trash bags get holes in them every now and then but they are cheap and super light. I have started using a pack cover as well which is nice to have when it is raining out.


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
For sleeping bags i really like the sea to summit event sacs. The fabric breathes so it allows you to really take alot of air out that would be much harder to do with a normal waterproof compression sac.

I have 2 of these, there a little heavy but my stuff stays dry in them. And they are easy to compress. one i use for my sleeping bag and the other for all my clothing and anything else i want to stay dry.
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Feb 29, 2012
Kitsap Co, WA
So I'm kinda re-thinking my set up, just a little. I dont use that sleeping bag shelf thing in my t2 unless I dont have anything light to stuff under the load. So I'm thinking of getting a large event sack and keeping my sleeping bag in the kifaru bag becasue that thing really makes the slick bag small, I also stuff my tent in the kifaru sac with my bag and then using the left over space to put the clothing I want to keep dry (1 pr underwear, 1 pr socks, merino shirt, spindrift) and also getting a second event bag for the food and or stuffing things into and straping to the t2 if I have to fill up the compartment with meat, So probably Another large sac? Does this sound like a good plan? Im taking 2 contractor bags to put in the compartment for when meat is transported in the caribou game bags.


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
Iv got a medium and a large. I can fit my 0deg down bag in either of them. The other i never bring enough to fill up. There nice bags. I was interested in the kifaru stuff sacs but they are not waterproof, i never use a pack cover and am not a big fan of having garbage bags all over in my pack. The event sacs do work great though.


Feb 24, 2012
Salem, OR
I have the sea to summit sil bags and the Event. The sil bags are lighter just trickier to get all the air out but really like them. Also look at Granite gear event sacks. They come in an ultra light sil that is pretty light and affordable and a Uberlight model that weight nothing and are expensive. The granite gear ones I think are a lot lighter than the sea to summit bags with event.

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
I've been usign the Sea to Summit eVent compressor bags for 4 years now. They are great, however not submerisible waterproof. Which probably doesn't matter to most of you, but for those of us that cross deep creeks were you might slip and go for a swim or for packrafting its something to consider. A simply contractor trash bag as a liner inside the bag works though. I can get a 40 degree, a 20 degree bags, and a 25 degree quilt and two neo airs in one medium sized one.

If you water fully waterproof and a dry pack the Outdoor Research dry comp sack kicks butt as a double duty item. Its 12 oz and works way better as a daypack then any pack lid I've used and it'll keep your contents dry no matter what, plus at 1800 cu in I think its got all the space you need for extra clothes, jackets, pants, sleeping bag, and pad and then some to spare still.

Hope that helps.