First western hunt and point creep


May 27, 2017
I actually hunted WY in 2017 - local GW told me that corner hopping was a no-no and I would be ticketed if I did it. I've also seen it in the regulations and information put out by the state of WY where it says not to.

GW will be the best source cause he's the one that will show up if the local land owner calls it in.

This is from area 62, public access section, on the antelope hunt planner map - look it up:
"While roughly 60 percent is public land, slightly more than the southern half of this area lies in what is called the “checkerboard,” where every other square mile is private. As a result, public lands in the checkerboard that do not touch a public road are generally not accessible without permission of a private land owner...."

Ultimately, you make the call.

Buzz may simply be trying to get NR folks in trouble.
Look, you can do the research, yet you won't. What gets old is guys like you "guessing" and flat spreading misinformation.

I'm not advising anyone to corner cross if they haven't done their due diligence, have the skills to find the corners, or aren't comfortable doing it.

But, that doesn't dismiss the 2014 legal opinion that the Wyoming State Attorney General at the time, Patrick Crank wrote in regard to corner crossing. You can find it on the net, it clearly states that corner crossing without any intent to hunt the private is NOT a hunting violation. I've posted the legal opinion before...I suggest you read it.

Further, I have asked several county attorneys if they would prosecute corner crossing under criminal trespass, some claimed they would. I asked for the cases that the prosecuted for it...not a single one, ever. Most of them said they wouldn't bother prosecuting even if a ticket were given.

Don't take my word for it, call them yourself.

As to the warden who wrongly said he'd give you a time ask them what statute they'd write you for that says its illegal to cross from one piece of public land to another piece of public land.

I know of a case about 5 or so years ago, when an over-zealous warden scratched a hunter a ticket for corner crossing. I also know that first thing Monday morning former GF Director Scott Talbott ripped that ticket up and reminded his Game Wardens about the AG opinion.

I've set more than one warden straight on corner crossing...its NOT a hunting violation and its, at best, a gray area in criminal trespass.

If you ever have a warden tell you they'll ticket you for corner crossing, I'd like to know about it, who and when.

What I do know is that its becoming more and more common all the time in Wyoming, and hunters corner cross a lot. But, quit spreading the misinformation that you can get a hunting violation for it...that's simply not true.


Feb 2, 2017
Kinda what im thinking. It is my understanding u can not corner hop on the checkerboard? I have onx and am having a tough time understanding the roads. I see alot of hash mark roads, not sure if these are private. Is there a gis or some site that shows what roads are usable? Interesting on the not going till later in the season. I was always told after a few days they push onto private and u better have your lope picked out before season. Im sure i am overthinking this, but being my and wifes first western hunt, i am concerned
Your best answer on roads is to contact the Road and Bridge Superintendent for the county and inquire about specific roads . Their contact info is online for each county. County Road maps may show roads that are maintained but not really public so contact the Super. for specific answers. The county road maps are a good source to get started online.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
We're just getting going. LOL!

Bottom line, make your own call. @BuzzH has that memo and it gives you the ability to at least ask the local GW what is acceptable. If he/she says no, ask about the memo and why it doesn't apply.

Where I was at, was told not to. You might find a more agreeable response.

You're gonna have a nice hunt, WY is a beautiful place. Plan to spend some time around a campfire & looking at the stars - really nice.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
Thanks Erict , clear as mud now.
Unless the sheriff greets you, a GW will not ticket you and landowners will have to prove intent to the courts.
Rich there really is no argument here, WG&F has no standing in corner crossing- wardens will not ticket you for it.

That's just what he said. If I get drawn, will ask local GW what their stance is and run with that. The memo is nice and all. And it would open more areas...

I saved the memo on the computer under WY.


May 27, 2017
That's just what he said. If I get drawn, will ask local GW what their stance is and run with that. The memo is nice and all. And it would open more areas...

I saved the memo on the computer under WY.
Contact Rick King, Chief Game Warden...tell him I said hello.


May 31, 2021
Contact Rick King, Chief Game Warden...tell him I said hello.

Solid advice, I've never spoken with him but I do talk to the Warden in my area every year. She's always been helpful in general information about herd & winter kill / regulations. A little information and conversation ahead of time can go a long way.