Gluten Questions

Feb 25, 2012
Can someone give me a dumbed down version? I am trying to lose weight and the more I read it seems that more and more people are staying away from grains and dairy. I would like to have the knowledge of a biochemist but I don't. I read most of the Paleo Diet and listen to other's advice. So, is grain all that bad and is dairy all that bad? Can you eat it if you mix it with other food or does the desired outcome end up worse than if you eat it alone? Is whey protein like drinking milk? I am not young enough to just eat whatever I want, I have to put as much effort into eating as I do PTing. Any suggestions?
Feb 29, 2012
As far as grains, stick with whole wheat when possible. It is a complex carb and burns slowly. This will help fight hunger for a few hours. I think dairy is fine in moderation, just don't eat a block of cheese every day.
Brandon Pattison
Feb 25, 2012
I made cereal with dried fruits, nuts, seeds, rye, wheat, barley and oats. It won't make me retain fat? I mix it with whey protein powder and water.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 26, 2012
Wasilla, Alaska
As Robby pointed out in the diet thread, it's truly an issue of calories in vs. calories out. Your cereal shouldn't make you "retain fat", but may be a lot higher in calories than you think. Dried fruits, nuts and grains all have nutrients that are healthy for you, but they are calorie dense and high in sugar. Couple that with the fact that a serving size is usually smaller than you think/would choose to eat and it's easy to take in more calories than you burn.

I was not much of a believer in this strategy until I started truly keeping track of calorie intake/output this spring. According to myfitnesspal (which is the app I have been using) I have lost more than 8% of my body weight since April, which is probably about all I wanted to lose. Gotta keep a little bit of wiggle room in case we get weathered in on my sheep hunt and run out of food :)
Brandon Pattison
Feb 25, 2012
I used to think that way, Becca but eating carbs in some forms makes cells retain the calories in the form of fat due to the body being confused. I will try later to show documentation.
Brandon Pattison
Feb 25, 2012

I just read this and I think this describes my situation almost to a T. However, it doesn't have any solutions other than numbers and I feel I need examples. There has to be some sort of pro on here or an interactive, online tutorial. I just ate a gimungous salad with olive oil, red wine vinegar, a small amount of 1000 island, 2 eggs along with green leaf, carrots, brocolli, cauliflour, celery and onion. Ten minutes later I chewed the cap off of my crunchy peanut butter like a raiding black bear and had two HEAPING tablespoons of it with some honey. I am really conscience about what I eat but the more I learn the dumber I feel. I am usually hungry all day long and I am in agony until I eat an hour before break, lunch or dinner time. It drives me nutso. HELP!
Jul 10, 2012
eatonvile, wa
wish i could be of assistance but im the same way, always hungry. when in the field my daily meals are well over 3k calories. probably why im having a hard time losing that last 10lbs
Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
I've switched to a modified paleo with good results. I'm hungry like a bear as well and eating more paleo quelled the hunger for sure. Meat and veggies! And quit thinking about food! As a big guy i love food more than anything but you need to quit thinking about it and youd be surprised how most of your hunger is because youre bored.


May 7, 2012
Franklin, how much protein are you eating in a day? What does your daily food intake look like and what is your exercise routine like?
Brandon Pattison
Feb 25, 2012
Franklin, how much protein are you eating in a day? What does your daily food intake look like and what is your exercise routine like?

I don't count meal stuff but I have an awesome wife/cook. I PT pretty hard but I am not at full tilt yet until closer to season as I don't want to burn out but I am active otherwise. Last night I did 5 rounds of only 5 reps of dips, pullups, clean and jerk (60#), leg lifts (4 count), 8 count body builders and upright rows; after that I ran 4.4 miles. The 5 rounds was only to gauge my fitness and in a few days it will be 6 reps and after that 7. I should be up to 10 (where I want to be) in a few weeks and gradually add more abs, 8 counts and weight to the barbell. It was super hot so my overall time was a bit long at about 1.3 hours. Like I said earlier in a different thread I do stairs with a tool backpack too with curls, pushups and tri-extensions. I have increased my protein intake dramatically but since the power was out I lost all of my venison after the 4th of July this year. I have some other stuff on the way as far as different exercises but I have to juggle my family time, honey do time, work, sleep, shooting and etc.


May 2, 2012
Was your original quesiton about your body processing Gluten or whether or not whey protein, milk, and grains are good for looseing weight??

As Becca has said look on the Calorie in vs. Calorie out. I for a long time have eaten "healthy" (no ice cream, cookie, candy, chips, etc), but never really lost weight. My wife has some new food allergies and thus we changed our diet together to simplify things and I started looking at the Calorie's WAY more than I ever have. To date since April I have lost 20lbs and my wife has lost 8lbs. I have not really changed my work out's and actually work out a little less than before (hunting season is here). If weight loss is what you are after, start counting the exact callories of everything you put in your mouth and follow what the "diet" thread suggestions talk about and I promise that you will loose weight.
Brandon Pattison
Feb 25, 2012
Was your original quesiton about your body processing Gluten or whether or not whey protein, milk, and grains are good for looseing weight??

As Becca has said look on the Calorie in vs. Calorie out. I for a long time have eaten "healthy" (no ice cream, cookie, candy, chips, etc), but never really lost weight. My wife has some new food allergies and thus we changed our diet together to simplify things and I started looking at the Calorie's WAY more than I ever have. To date since April I have lost 20lbs and my wife has lost 8lbs. I have not really changed my work out's and actually work out a little less than before (hunting season is here). If weight loss is what you are after, start counting the exact callories of everything you put in your mouth and follow what the "diet" thread suggestions talk about and I promise that you will loose weight.

I started Sunday with myfitnesspal. I want to know likes and differences between whey, gluten and dairy products.