Good Dog Like A Trophy Harvest

Feb 14, 2013
I don’t write many posts like this, but it was an eerie feeling running my hands through our old dogs’ fur tonight, as she laid quiet and humble. She is still alive and pretty well for now. But the same sense of harvesting an amazing animal and celebrating that success, snuck over me as I ran my fingers through her fur and she remained pretty much motionless. It’s that series of fur that folds off the lead finger, onto the next, that seems to create a sense of stillness and finality, perhaps?

It’s just an odd feeling, having been through it in life in a hospital with close family and in hunting, being next to an animate object, as they begin to slow their course. It really sucks and the helplessness doesn’t help. Don’t know if anyone else has felt this way, but I hope some share or have shared this same sentiment.

Enjoy it while you got it, I guess.

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Last edited:
Nov 14, 2020
I’ve never thought of the two, dog and deer, in the same way. But out of quite few I have had one dog and one horse that I loved way better than most people, and they left me pretty devastated when they died.

And the older I get the more empathy I have for the beasts that I hunt. They are not just things to me or fur covered targets. They are amazing beings of a sort and I’m grateful That I am allowed to interact with them however briefly. there is a profound mystery in wondering where did the spark go? It was here just a second ago.

I am super close to my current dog Wally, a border collie who was born deaf. He’s quite the lovely character, and I suspect when he goes it will be the worst yet.
Aug 10, 2015
I often fear the day my furry companion departs. I swear, most days, I would give him half the days I have left so as not to be without. Good dogs are hard to come by