Have you had the opportunity to help someone lately? Care to share?


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
I know most of the time we do this stuff in anonymity, the best blessings come from good deeds untold; but after Tanya's cool 're-intro' thread, I thought I'd toss this one out here.
In a year of so much chaos, reading of some kind deeds would be fitting and uplifting. Share if you can.

I'll start.....Last month I had the chance to help the Fed Ex guy who was broke down on our road. It was a bitter cold afternoon, but I bundled up and hopped on my Grizzly bike in the hopes of measuring my running route in miles on the odometer. I happened upon the Fed Ex guy dead in the water with a flat tire, no jack and a badly stripped out lug wrench. btw, he told me Fed Ex won't give them a jack for liability reasons! doh!
It took several runs back home for tools and etc. (10 miles on my wheeler all told, lol!) the one-ton lugs were all seized and we needed a huge breaker bar, six point socket and pipe; but finally got him up and running just before dark.

He's a great guy--the best--and I was happy to see him get back on the road. It dawned on me just how hard some of these folks work to serve us, the consumers.. He's probably on the road 12 hours a day.

I didn't expect this cool perk sent my way from Fed Ex, this sucker must weigh a couple of pounds.....

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Feb 20, 2014
Nothing beats the feeling of helping someone with zero expectations of a return. A great deed you done helping the fedex guy out.


Jan 7, 2021
I travel all over Wyoming, and coming off a large dairy farm I can Jerry rig about anything.
I've temp fixed exhausts, lots of flat tires, I even one time fixed a manifold leak for guy from Kansas going solo elk hunting, he was pretty damn happy. I've been offered a favor from a lady one time (who was hot as hell, but I still declined) cash, lots of cash, hunting stuff, booze. I just tell everyone the same thing, just stop and help the next person you see broke down, never know, it could be me.
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Mar 16, 2016
Interesting thread.

About a month ago I was driving home from work and there was a lady in the turn lane heading East, I was heading West. She got the green arrow but she never went anywhere. I could hear her transmission just grinding when she pushed on the gas. Two guys behind her got out to push her out of the way and I just drove past.

When I got home I looked back on the situation and regretted not stopping and helping. It also brought me to another thought. I had a meeting at work with some higher ups that day so I was dressed a little nicer than I normally do. My dad passed away when I was young, but there was always a pair of coveralls in the side box on his pickup. I remember asking my mom, why are there coveralls in the pickup? She told me that your dad use to keep those in there so if he was ever dressed nice and need to work on the pickup or help someone, he could put them on. I always thought that was the dumbest thing ever, now I need to stop by the store and get a pair of coveralls.

Weird how your perception of things change as you get older.

After my dad passed away there was a really good family friend that helped my mom out a lot. He owned a farm and would pay my mom way more than he should to drive truck for him and made sure that my brothers and I had jobs when we needed them. He would pay his workers out of his own pocket to come help my mom with projects around the house and I always joke that I didn't know you could buy potatoes in the store because all we had to do was go to his plant and say Lynn said to come get a box of potatoes.

He had a saying that he always told us growing up "If you help when you can help, you will receive when you need." That has always stuck with me and I regret all the times that I have forgotten it.
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Sep 13, 2016
I had about two and a half cords of firewood that I had singled out to sale this last fall. I never got around to advertising it. About the first of January a disabled fellow put an ad out that he was down to his last $120 and had absolutely no wood left and that was his only way to heat his home. Best donation I've ever made.
Oct 12, 2020
I’ll go a slightly different route. I recently got some help getting my truck out of a snow drift by some snowmobilers. I’m embarrassed I got stuck in the first place, went down a dirt road that doesn’t get much travel looking for some solitude, squirrels, and rabbits. After only finding nothing but solitude I discovered what had been a flat parking spot was now in a divot relative to the road that was hidden by snow. I had been digging for around 90min when some snowmobilers came by and helped me until the truck was out. It took every trick in the book and another 3 hours. I carry a tow strap to help other folks in the winter, I was glad to find other people also willing to help strangers out after all the division in our country lately. Help a stranger, they’ll help someone else, eventually you’ll be the one needing a Good Samaritan.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Good stuff, guys.
1stgen, thanks for broadening this to include "have you been helped lately?"

Corb, your dad was the best of us, 'coveralls for others' what a concept!


Mar 24, 2016
I was in a store once and there was a refugee in front of me. As the checker was ringing up the food, she kept looking at the amount and pushing stuff back on the belt - she clearly had a $$ number she had to stick with. She got down to a gallon of milk and pushed it back on the belt and indicated she didn’t want the milk. It was obviously just over her budget. I told the checker to add that milk to my tab and give it to the lady. She was very thankful, as was I that I was there to help her out.


Mar 30, 2016
N. Idaho
Regular blood donations for me. I didn’t realize that the biggest recipients of blood were cancer patients until my dad was diagnosed with leukemia. It took 3 transfusions to keep him alive until they were able to diagnose the problem.


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Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
I'm a firm believer in Karma.
Anyways if you've ever been to New Mexico you know there's lots of the middle of nowhere in the state. I had gotten a super early start so i could get to my "spot" before dark when i saw someone with a flat across the divided state highway. I figured if nothing else i could turn my flashers on and hold the flash light. Turned out to be a young lady who didn't have enough body weight to break the lug nuts free. My fat ass didn't have a problem helping out with that. Took a while and got dirty but felt good to help out.

Fast forward to return trip home. Took the bypass in Roswell and never passed a gas station yep you guessed it ran out about 60 miles from anywhere. Called and tow company wanted 268$ to bring me 3 gallons of gas. I said hell no grabbed one of my empty gas cans lol and started walking figuring someone would give me a ride eventually. After about 3 miles i was really starting to think of paying the tow truck when someone stopped. Instead of just a ride to fill the gas can and having to repeat he said I'll tow you in to town. It was crazy getting towed on interstate 40 with no power steering or breaks! Guy did 50mph with me a mere 20' behind puckered the entire time. Got to the gas station wouldn't take money or a tank of fuel. Just said it's a lot of nothing out here and i have to drive it often, hopefully it comes back around when i need it. I hope karma rewards you awesome guy from Farmington NM. Thanks again

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Sep 3, 2014
Southern MO Ozarks
Regular blood donations for me. I didn’t realize that the biggest recipients of blood were cancer patients until my dad was diagnosed with leukemia. It took 3 transfusions to keep him alive until they were able to diagnose the problem.
Same here. My grandma lived many extra years after 7 units when one of my aunts was born. My dad gave quite a bit and I've tried to keep up with it. Actually gave Covid antibody plasma about 3 weeks ago.

I like this thread. The world badly needs kind, cool headed, positive people. I feel fortunate to have benefited quite a lot from generous people in my life.


May 13, 2020
2 little things. A good friend's mother is in hospice. We are bringing his son to school in the mornings. Just something anyone would do.

Then today in line at McDs to get my son a shamrock shake. We placed our order and had to merge. I waved a lady ahead of me. She paid for my son's shake! Well, time to start something I thought. I paid for the car behind me. I knew full well it was going to be more than my 1 shake, but what the heck. I wonder what that lady behind me thought and if she passed it on?


Dec 20, 2020
Have a family that doesn’t have a car, have to bus to work but everything else is a pain on the bus. We run errands like picks up meds or library pick ups for them, have paid heating bill a few times.
Jun 3, 2018
North Carolina
We have been blessed or cursed this winter with a LOT of rain. My neighbor has had the UPS guy stuck in her yard twice in the last month. Both times she called me cause she knows I have a tractor. I dropped what I was doing and went and pulled him out both times. Last week I saw that the same neighbor's car was stuck in her yard. I went and knocked on the door, asked if I could help get her car out and she said "yes, I hated to bother you again". "No bother" I said, went and got my tractor and pulled her out. I suggested she use my drive which is gravel until things dried out, and she did. Last week I drove 120 miles one way to help a young hunter who had never archery hunted before. I went with him to the bow shop, helped him pick out a complete setup, and gave him lessons, no charge no problem.
Aug 17, 2015
Awesome thread!

Last weekend, my family and I were eating at a restaurant and decided to pick up the tab for a father and daughter that were eating near us. No idea who the guy was, honestly probably wouldn’t recognize him if I saw him again and vice versa, but it’s a pretty cool feeling imagining what’s going through that guys head when he finds out his bill has been paid by a complete stranger.


Mar 19, 2019
New Mexico
I recently was on a trip out of town. When I stopped at a traffic light and heard something rattling, rolling down the road, I looked around and saw it was parts off my F350 truck.

I jumped out and picked them up and found it was a pulley and parts that had worn out off my engine so I pulled into a parking lot with no power steering to look it over.

Lifted the hood and was surveying the damage when a guy pulled up in a Ford Superduty and ask me if I had a problem.

I said yeah I do I live 200 miles away and don’t have any tools with me, the driver jumps out, looks at my truck and says ...I’ve got more tools with me than most shops and he started working on my truck. Took the rest of the accessory pullly, serpentine belt off, drove me to a parts house where I bought all the parts.

Got back to the truck and he put everything back on the engine, did a perfect job and would not take a cent for all his work and time. I thanked him a dozen times, he said you’re welcome just pass it on.
This happened in NM, the guy was from Kansas working on a cell tower in NM. He said he just happen to be on his way to pick up a back hoe or he wouldn’t have been in the area.