How to talk about Hunting.


Feb 5, 2019
So you didn't watch the video, but found a fatal flaw in the video/seminar... And you want to talk to children?
Sorry bud, not gonna fall for it.

You go ahead and read on...tell me how warm and fuzzy it feels to be "heard and accepted".
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Feb 7, 2017
This seminar had nothing to do with hunter recruitment. It was entirely focused on how to communicate with people who don't hunt. The number #1 criteria cited that led to a person's positive view of hunting was just KNOWING someone who hunts (this was more important than age, sex, race, urban/rural, politics).

There are a lot of fence-sitters out there that don't know anything about hunting. It's important that you can communicate the basic positive aspects of hunting to them. You won't ever reach the antis and you don't have to get fence-sitters to hunt, but at the end of the day, you need to at least be able to communicate with the middle-ground. The antis are actively spewing their BS and have an emotional argument, don't you want to have the knowledge on how to offset that?

Link to the webinar recordings:

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
This is a good share! I would add to become friends with Vegans. I became friends with one through work as we related to raising young girls. We had the same values: we wanted our kids happy and healthy, especially around food. I shared why i enjoyed hunting and how my girls are even enjoying me talking about it and taking them on hikes when scouting (they are 2 and 4 so will hunt when a little older).

i always respected my vegan friends views and never called out how some things she did or believed in were foolish. After a about two years, her and her vegan husband and older vegan son all want to go hunting with me. They aren’t sure theyll eat the meat, but i think the son will try it (he’s been asking the most questions)!

i take this approach with everyone. Repsect goes both ways. the people who are decent but dont always share my views i still always show respect and often become respected in return

Agreed. If we just bash them, we’ll never find a common ground. Nice work!

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Feb 5, 2019
Might wanna worry about it a little more, given the huge liberal lean of your state it might matter what other people think about hunting a lot sooner than you think.....
Im a realist. IMO the state can turn as blue as the ocean, but hunting in CO is not going away. It brings in FAR too much revenue, and at the end of the day, feelings dont matter to the ones who make the rules, profits do.
Nov 14, 2020
Anti hunters vote. People who are not anti but don’t care about our lifestyle vote. We live in a Representative Republic where the social contract says that majority rules (within reason, which is where it gets complicated). We are not the majority, so it behooves us to be able to sway enough of that majority to support us when the idea of a total ban on hunting goes to the ballot box, which it certainly will at some point.

So when it does go to the vote, assume for a minute you are a non Hunter. Who you gonna vote for or against? The nice, articulate, thoughtful guy/gal down the street who explained to you that hunting is his way of being in nature. That hunting provides sources of protein that are sustainable, beyond organic, and the ultimate in humane living conditions for a food animal. Or you gonna vote for the guy who told you to F**k off and mind your own GD business?


Jul 24, 2014
Im a realist. IMO the state can turn as blue as the ocean, but hunting in CO is not going away. It brings in FAR too much revenue, and at the end of the day, feelings dont matter to the ones who make the rules, profits do.
We lost Trapping, Spring bear, calling contests, an addition of wolves and have multiple petitions against hunting presented to the board every year. If you think there isnt risk to losing hunting or at the very least, parts of it, you haven't been paying much attention.


Feb 5, 2019
We lost Trapping, Spring bear, calling contests, an addition of wolves and have multiple petitions against hunting presented to the board every year. If you think there isnt risk to losing hunting or at the very least, parts of it, you haven't been paying much attention.
Not that I haven't been paying attention, but certainly not going to spent my free time trying to convince people to "accept me" as a hunter. The state is already blue, as evidence by the wolf ballot. That said, I don't think CPW or any of the buerocrats that see each year how much revenue hunters provide will let hunting be curtailed. Ballot box legislation only works when the legislatures want it to work, if you think it's a purely democratic process, you haven't been paying attention. Money always wins.

IMO, banning trapping and closing spring bear were the easy wasnt "just a start" it was an appeasement that cost them little in the overall generation of revenue. Politics is a give and take. But in the end, again, I think revenue wins out.
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Feb 26, 2013
Not that I haven't been paying attention, but certainly not going to spent my free time trying to convince people to "accept me" as a hunter. The state is already blue, as evidence by the wolf ballot. That said, I don't think CPW or any of the buerocrats that see each year how much revenue hunters provide will let hunting be curtailed. Ballot box legislation only works when the legislatures want it to work, if you think it's a purely democratic process, you haven't been paying attention. Money always wins.

IMO, banning trapping and closing spring bear were the easy wasnt "just a start" it was an appeasement that cost them little in the overall generation of revenue. Politics is a give and take. But in the end, again, I think revenue wins out.
I hope you're right for the future of hunting but I think you're overconfident.

The people who hate hunting and want it banned are the same ones who think revenue should come from higher taxes on the rich, I don't think they give a shit about the $$ hunting brings in.


Jul 24, 2014
Not that I haven't been paying attention, but certainly not going to spent my free time trying to convince people to "accept me" as a hunter. The state is already blue, as evidence by the wolf ballot. That said, I don't think CPW or any of the buerocrats that see each year how much revenue hunters provide will let hunting be curtailed. Ballot box legislation only works when the legislatures want it to work, if you think it's a purely democratic process, you haven't been paying attention. Money always wins.

IMO, banning trapping and closing spring bear were the easy wasnt "just a start" it was an appeasement that cost them little in the overall generation of revenue. Politics is a give and take. But in the end, again, I think revenue wins out.
People showed up to vote in the 2020 election over Trumps mean tweets and those people couldn't care less about how beneficial his policies were for the economy. You're underestimating the power behind peoples emotional weaknesses.

It'll be lion hunting next, then bobcats, then fall bear, then bowhunting and on and on. Just little appeasements though eh?
Apr 16, 2021
Correct and agree, but their focus is on the 80% in the middle. Again, did you watch the video? They weren't focusing on the 14% of vegan uber anti-hunters. But those 14% are recruiting the 80% by bashing the hunters with very sophisticated campaigns.

I can see how this could be useful especially to educate the 80%. It’s just a different time right now as far as having opposing views and coming to a “middle ground”.

Correct and agree, but their focus is on the 80% in the middle. Again, did you watch the video? They weren't focusing on the 14% of vegan uber anti-hunters. But those 14% are recruiting the 80% by bashing the hunters with very sophisticated campaigns.
Dec 11, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Not that I haven't been paying attention, but certainly not going to spent my free time trying to convince people to "accept me" as a hunter. The state is already blue, as evidence by the wolf ballot. That said, I don't think CPW or any of the buerocrats that see each year how much revenue hunters provide will let hunting be curtailed. Ballot box legislation only works when the legislatures want it to work, if you think it's a purely democratic process, you haven't been paying attention. Money always wins.

IMO, banning trapping and closing spring bear were the easy wasnt "just a start" it was an appeasement that cost them little in the overall generation of revenue. Politics is a give and take. But in the end, again, I think revenue wins out.
Not with the left. They don’t care about budgets, they care about how people ”feel” and defy logic.

Wait until the wolf reintroduction start hammering the deer and elk numbers in a few years. Suddenly there will be a bunch of panic about “what’s happening” and seasons will be shortened or “temporarily paused” while they evaluate things...
May 10, 2015
Didn't see the part on the list of "Do's" about how to talk about the trophy thing, hanging a head on a wall, or kill pics.

That alone is a big thing among the anti crowd and even the indifferent crowd.

Save your time and breath………..recruitment is a $$ activity…….more ‘followers’ and ad revenue. I think we’ve all lost the concept of ‘minding our own business’………..

Not just a money game, but an opportunity game as well. Youth have a more difficult time processing why they don't get to go hunting, but their friend does because they can draw tags. OTC, predator, and non-game animals don't count. We're talking about general draw deer, antelope, elk, etc.

NM Game and Fish did a trapping webinar to get your trapping license.
It covered a lot of how to talk to people about hunting, and wildlife management properly.

They still made trapping illegal this year.

Clarification: MLG and the misfit state legislature banned it this year, not Game and Fish. Classic example of people not minding their own business...
Mar 26, 2017
Clarification: MLG and the misfit state legislature banned it this year, not Game and Fish. Classic example of people not minding their own business...

Yeah it sucks for sure. They're going to chase more shit the next few years too. I'm scared for bear hunting here.

The trapping education course was on point too. I honestly think hunters Ed should start being required in NM and include a lot of the stuff they added to the trapping course last year. It was really interesting and made great points.

I imagine they won't do it because of the extra cash, but a hunters Ed course requirement would bring draw odds up and should probably include talking to non hunters about hunting in good light to non hunters like the new trapping one did.


Sep 29, 2012
The fatal flaw in this 'seminar' is that it makes the assumption that anyone is going to change the vegan/anti-hunters mind.

If you were a vegan/anti-hunter/wolf lover, I'd bet alot of money there is nothing anyone could say to you would convince you to put a bow in your hand this Sept to feed your family, or to vote in favor of predator management or in favor of anything hunting related.
In my limited experience, i've found we hunters have more in common with vegans than the general public when it comes to the philosophies that drive our diets. Many vegans dislike what they perceive as the inhumane treatment of animals in commercial agricultural operations but tend to be more favorably disposed to those who ethically kill wild game for the table.


Feb 5, 2019
In my limited experience, i've found we hunters have more in common with vegans than the general public when it comes to the philosophies that drive our diets. Many vegans dislike what they perceive as the inhumane treatment of animals in commercial agricultural operations but tend to be more favorably disposed to those who ethically kill wild game for the table.
vegans don't make a distinction between ethical kill or not, they are anti animal products, period. The vegan diet does not make an exception for self-procured game either.

If someone wants to spend their time explaining hunting to these two to "be accepted", have at it. I simply said that is not on my list of priorities in life.



Sep 29, 2012
vegans don't make a distinction between ethical kill or not, they are anti animal products, period. The vegan diet does not make an exception for self-procured game either.

If someone wants to spend their time explaining hunting to these two to "be accepted", have at it. I simply said that is not on my list of priorities in life.

View attachment 289861
Some that I have do, but do very much appreciate that you feel entitled to claim otherwise with such great authority.

Losing faith in humanity one Rokslide post at a time....


Feb 5, 2019
Some that I have do, but do very much appreciate that you feel entitled to claim otherwise with such great authority.

Losing faith in humanity one Rokslide post at a time....
That "great authority" actually comes from the definition of vegan, feel free to look it up. I'm glad your vegan friends are so morally flexible though. I've never met a vegan that eats meat🤔
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Sep 29, 2012
The "great authority" actually comes from the definition of vegan. But I'm glad your vegan friends are so morally flexible. Cool.

I couldn't care less what you think of my opinions. That's the great think about opinions, we're all free to have our own. However, I happy you feel that only yours is the right one, good for you.
If you had stated an opinion, that would be fine. But you didn't and don't even seem to understand that.

Veganism is essentially not using or eating animal products. Even those who are vegan can find certain ways of procuring meat to be more ethical than others even if they are philosophically opposed to consumptive use of animals in general.


Feb 5, 2019
If you had stated an opinion, that would be fine. But you didn't and don't even seem to understand that.

Veganism is essentially not using or eating animal products. Even those who are vegan can find certain ways of procuring meat to be more ethical than others even if they are philosophically opposed to consumptive use of animals in
The opinion I stated was, I don't care to spend my time explaining myself to vegans in order to feel accepted. Apparently you do, that's great. The rest of my post in fact, a fact. A definition actually, of what a vegan is. I'm sorry if that is confusing to you.

To your original post though...Did you just drop by and tag me in a comment to tell me how closely we actually align with vegans? Well I agree to disagree bud, but thanks for sharing. Now back to my actual Sunday.
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