Huge buck! mule deer video

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Found this on Youtube. A truly giant buck.

Checking some other sites, it's apparantly from this year, which means this buck made it through last year's brutal winter in Western Wyoming. Some of the best bucks make it through those winters. Rob Wiley of Non-Typical outifitters also showed us deer hunters this year another GIANT buck that made it through that winter, too. The buck called "Magnum".

I know David Long and I get excited when we see bucks like this still around Western Wyoming, as that is where we cut our teeth on high country mule deer. What do you think David?

I've seen about two bucks of that class over the years in Wyoming...

Check it out.

david long

Holy Crap! You did it now Robby! I won't be able to sleep between now and hunting season because I will have a Wyoming tag in my pocket this fall. Just knowing that buck is out there somewhere will help fuel my motivation:)
robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
I was waiting for you to chime in David, I hope you have many a sleepless night between now and then. With the mild winter we've had, he'll likely be out there somewhere, hopfully staring back at you through your peep!
Seriously, in 20+ years of tromping the high country, I might have seen two bucks of that class. They are truly rare. How 'bout you?

david long

One thing I did learn while filming for many years on the winter range: when you locate a buck of this caliber, you can count on seeing him for several years on the winter range. Why? Because they simply do not get harvested. I am betting this buck does not live at 10,000'. More than likely he summers at an elevation of 7,500 - 8,500' in elevation and the only way he will be harvested is if some lucky hunter just happens to stumble onto him by accident while still-hunting the timber.