Idaho does a few things right

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
From Big Game Forever:

"Yesterday, Idaho’s legislature, passed a bill to place a “right to hunt” constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2012. Given the efforts to undermine the North American Wildlife Model in Idaho and in many other states, the timing of this constitutional amendment couldn’t be more critical. Governor Otter is expected to sign this bill into law in the next few weeks.

This constitutional amendment will amend Idaho’s constitution to make it clear that the rights to hunt, fish and trap are part of our inalienable rights.

Multi-million dollar ballot initiatives funded by out-of-state anti-hunting groups like HSUS have been growing in recent years. At a wolf management hearing in Boise a few weeks ago, many of these out-of-state anti-hunting groups showed up in force. It is clear that major efforts remain to stop recovery of key elk and moose populations in Idaho.

A constitutional “right-to-hunt” bill makes it much, much more difficult for out-of-state special interest groups to undermine state wildlife policy. This constitutional amendment requires any ballot initiative related to the right to hunt, fish, trap or other key wildlife policies to have a 2/3rds vote.

Thanks to all of those who have worked so hard to help pass this important legislation. "

Pretty cool!

By the way, Big Game Forever seems like a good organization. I joined in December (ony $10) and have been pleased with their actions on wolves, and other issues. Check them out at


Feb 24, 2012
From Big Game Forever:

"Yesterday, Idaho’s legislature, passed a bill to place a “right to hunt” constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2012. Given the efforts to undermine the North American Wildlife Model in Idaho and in many other states, the timing of this constitutional amendment couldn’t be more critical. Governor Otter is expected to sign this bill into law in the next few weeks.

This constitutional amendment will amend Idaho’s constitution to make it clear that the rights to hunt, fish and trap are part of our inalienable rights.

Multi-million dollar ballot initiatives funded by out-of-state anti-hunting groups like HSUS have been growing in recent years. At a wolf management hearing in Boise a few weeks ago, many of these out-of-state anti-hunting groups showed up in force. It is clear that major efforts remain to stop recovery of key elk and moose populations in Idaho.

A constitutional “right-to-hunt” bill makes it much, much more difficult for out-of-state special interest groups to undermine state wildlife policy. This constitutional amendment requires any ballot initiative related to the right to hunt, fish, trap or other key wildlife policies to have a 2/3rds vote.

Thanks to all of those who have worked so hard to help pass this important legislation. "

Pretty cool!

By the way, Big Game Forever seems like a good organization. I joined in December (ony $10) and have been pleased with their actions on wolves, and other issues. Check them out at

Fyi... Big Game Forever is very similar to SFW, you would be better of being a RMEF memeber because BGF & SFW have pushed and supported taking tags out of the system that could go to you or me and auctioning them off to the highest bidder, do some more research becauae unless you are a millionaire they do not have your best interets in mind.

Also fyi BGF & SFW were against delisting the wolves and did not support the legislation that senatot Tester from MT helped put togethet so we could hunt wolves.

These two groups are wolves in sheep skins that are all about profitting off of state hunting resources and do nothing to protect our right or conserve habitat. Yea BGF is in support of the ID bill but will also try to pull thw best draw tags out of the pool and auction them off to their wealthy friends, they will pocket 95% of the proceeds and give little back to the state.

BGF & SFW are NOT goo groups to be a member of and i wouldn't tell to many you are a memeber.

If you plan on running or being part of a business for the avg hunter that is all about DIY you may want to rethink giving support to crooks, theae groups have tarnished so well known peoples image just because they didn't fully research what the organization is about.

The sad thing is that the avg hunfer thinks these are good orgs. Go over to the On Your Own huntibg forum and search for these groups, you woll be sad that you gave them any money.

Sorry for all the typos, on the phone and i have fat fingers.
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robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
dotman, when I joined BGF, it was over the wolf issue. They were fighting for what I've seen first hand, as an Idaho resident, is a huge problem: wolves.

I have not been a big supporter of SFW, even declining a position offerred with them to me by someone in their organization. Having said that, I'm not against supporting an organization that supports a good cause, like managing wolves, if the collateral damage isn't too high.

I'm not for the tag allocations that you mentioned- we already have those going towards Idaho's super tags, which because of our rules to sell the most tickets, those with the money and motivation, can improve their odds, so it's not a perfect system either.

What organizations would you support in our fight against wolves?


Feb 24, 2012
dotman, when I joined BGF, it was over the wolf issue. They were fighting for what I've seen first hand, as an Idaho resident, is a huge problem: wolves.

I have not been a big supporter of SFW, even declining a position offerred with them to me by someone in their organization. Having said that, I'm not against supporting an organization that supports a good cause, like managing wolves, if the collateral damage isn't too high.

I'm not for the tag allocations that you mentioned- we already have those going towards Idaho's super tags, which because of our rules to sell the most tickets, those with the money and motivation, can improve their odds, so it's not a perfect system either.

What organizations would you support in our fight against wolves?

I know exactly what you mean, but did you know that they had nothing to do with it? If you look at their website you would think otherwise, intentions were great but in the end BGF DID NOT support what you in ID currently have inregard to wolves.

The RMEF, they fully supported the bills that passed and backed the two senators the wrote the legislation that now allows wolf hunting in ID.


Feb 24, 2012
Here is a link to the two Senators that wrote the bill that passed

To support the wolf hunting this was the bill.

BGF threw their support behind Rehberg, his bill failed and here is a link that talks more about BGF and what hand they had in this

Another good link

More good reading

BGF takes credit for things they have not done or shown intital support for. Yes you have to dig to find and Randy Newberg has done great things in pointing out the truth about some of these organizations.

I guess we are each allowed to decide, just trying to point out that not all groups are what they seem.
robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
"I guess we are each allowed to decide, just trying to point out that not all groups are what they seem."

exactly dotman, and am glad you pointed out what isn't wasn't obvious to me. As I said on the related thread on the elk forum, if this discussion changes my mind on where to spend my money (or not) then debate is a good thing.
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there is way to much disinformation in every one of the posts from every side / i hate to see outdoorsmen fighting between groups which are trying to help wildlife / wouldn't it be better if we sung the virtues of every group that was helping and joined forces so that we are stronger
robby denning

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
Yes bearguide, BUT, I do agree it is best to understand every groups motivation and mission.

"A house divided will not stand"- Jesus