Last Minute S32 Archery Ewe Advice

Jul 3, 2017
I'm headed out to Colorado S32 on Thursday for my first sheep hunt and my preparations are all but done. While I wait here in Michigan chomping at the bit to hit the road I'd like to hear from you veteran sheep hunters about anything I might be overlooking or any words of wisdom to help me be successful. I've already spoken to a couple people that have done this hunt and I have some waypoints picked out on the West side of the unit to start from but here's a few things I'm still unsure of;

-How long do you glass in one spot before moving?

-how far do you move when going to a new glassing spot? Just enough to get a different vantage point on an area or go to a completely different area to try and cover more terrain?

- Is spot and stalk the best way to get them with a bow or are tactics like ambushing them worth trying?

-How hard are sheep to find in this unit in general? I know it has a good population but should I expect to go multiple days without seeing any?

If you don't have any advice for me feel free to post any interesting ewe sheep stories or anectdotes to help me pass the time for these last few days

Thanks all!