Loosing weight issues


Mar 1, 2016
Howdy all

I have been getting after the work out pretty good last month and a half, cleaned up my diet a bit and have been doing intermittent fasting. With the IF I have drastically cut down on my calorie intake. I was 246 when I started and I am currently 239. I am 6'1 with a fairly muscular build. I have mainly been doing cardio and body weight workouts.

I have noticed I have lost a good amount of fat, as I can fit into close that I wasn't able to before and my wifey has noticed! I must be gaining more muscle then I thought I would because it seems like I should have lost more weight.

Will there be a point where my muscle gains tapper off and I start loosing more weight? Most my workouts consist of hiking with heavy pack, unweighted squats and lunges, push ups, chin ups, sit ups and riding my bike. I run a little bit, but I have a knee that doesn't get along with long runs.

Some insight and suggestions on helping me loose weight faster then I am, would be greatly appreciated.

First sheep hunt is 62 days away and would sure like to weigh less then I currently do.



Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Eat all natural foods, eat every 2-4 hours based on what you have done and what you plan to do, eat only till satisfied not till full(stuffed). Watch the weight fall off.....while eating enough to be satisfied/energetic.

Those are the Dolce Principles.

At 63 my T went up recently without any supplementation for it, after loosing 25# and changing nutrition plan.


Jun 28, 2018
Howdy all

I have been getting after the work out pretty good last month and a half, cleaned up my diet a bit and have been doing intermittent fasting. With the IF I have drastically cut down on my calorie intake. I was 246 when I started and I am currently 239. I am 6'1 with a fairly muscular build. I have mainly been doing cardio and body weight workouts.

I have noticed I have lost a good amount of fat, as I can fit into close that I wasn't able to before and my wifey has noticed! I must be gaining more muscle then I thought I would because it seems like I should have lost more weight.

Will there be a point where my muscle gains tapper off and I start loosing more weight? Most my workouts consist of hiking with heavy pack, unweighted squats and lunges, push ups, chin ups, sit ups and riding my bike. I run a little bit, but I have a knee that doesn't get along with long runs.

Some insight and suggestions on helping me loose weight faster then I am, would be greatly appreciated.

First sheep hunt is 62 days away and would sure like to weigh less then I currently do.


Sounds like you have a good foundation. One thing I'd recommend is measuring out and drinking a gallon of water every day for a week. Most people don't consume anywhere near that much, and water is essential to the biochemical process of weight loss. Doing this is a life changer for a lot of people, who experience fatigue/ inability to lose weight/ inflammation which are really just the result of poor hydration.

I too experience pain in my knees during high-mileage weeks. Instead of frequent longer runs, I now tend to do a lot of circuits incorporating running intervals. An example is one I'll be doing tomorrow:

1 mile run
1000 yd row


You'll spend a lot of time exerting yourself, but only end up doing three miles. I'll do those intervals on a treadmill, too, which (if you have access to one of decent quality) is one of the lowest impact surfaces to run on. Hope this helps.


Dec 4, 2016
Southern Nevada
7 pounds in 6 weeks is basically in line with what you would want out of healthy, sustainable weight loss (1-2 pounds per week), especially if you're fairly muscular. Any more than that and you'll probably have a hard time sticking to those changes in the long run and eventually see a rebound in weight gain. If your body is responding positively to your current plan (you feel like you're making fitness gains and you've got enough energy) then I wouldn't change a thing. Based on your current rate of loss you could drop another 8-10 pounds between now and your hunt and that would put you at 15-17 pounds lost in total, which is absolutely a number you should be proud of, especially if you're able to keep it off.


Jan 26, 2018
You said you “cleaned up your diet a bit”; clean it up a lot and you’ll not only see improved changes but you’ll also start to feel worlds better as well. Good luck, and keep up the hard work.
Sep 15, 2018
Howdy all

I have been getting after the work out pretty good last month and a half, cleaned up my diet a bit and have been doing intermittent fasting. With the IF I have drastically cut down on my calorie intake. I was 246 when I started and I am currently 239. I am 6'1 with a fairly muscular build. I have mainly been doing cardio and body weight workouts.

I have noticed I have lost a good amount of fat, as I can fit into close that I wasn't able to before and my wifey has noticed! I must be gaining more muscle then I thought I would because it seems like I should have lost more weight.

Will there be a point where my muscle gains tapper off and I start loosing more weight? Most my workouts consist of hiking with heavy pack, unweighted squats and lunges, push ups, chin ups, sit ups and riding my bike. I run a little bit, but I have a knee that doesn't get along with long runs.

Some insight and suggestions on helping me loose weight faster then I am, would be greatly appreciated.

First sheep hunt is 62 days away and would sure like to weigh less then I currently do.

Do you drink any soda or other sugary drinks? If so, eliminating those and replacing them with water will help you out quite a bit.


Mar 1, 2016
Thanks everyone for the response. Part of cleaning up my diet was eliminating any soda or sugar drinks. On weekends I might have an alcoholic beverage or three.

I can defiantly clean up my weekend habits a bit. I don’t tend to work out on weekends. But something I should start doing.
Sep 1, 2018
MT and TX
You’re doing it right by eliminating soda and sugar drinks. Beer is okay if it’s high quality hops - can help with muscle recovery too.

And remember, food doesn’t come in a bag or box. Chicken, fish, and eggs - lean proteins and lots of servings of vegetables. My 2 cents ...


Oct 8, 2018
I believe in heavy weight and lower reps and eat, eat, eat (but as clean as you can). Weight loss is a easy concept that people try to make hard. While cardio and endurance training are important for hunting, it's not the most efficient way to lose weight. As soon as you stop cardio, so does the calorie burning. Also, if you don't do a proper pre-cardio meal/shake, the first thing your body will go after when stressed is muscle as it breaks down easier than fat. Muscle burns calories while you sleep, so the more of that you can pack on, the better. And muscle weights more than fat, so ditch the scale and use the mirror and a tape measure to track your progress. One more thing.. stop stressing mentally and physically (over-doing-it). stress is one of the main ways to add weight via cortisol. Do a heavy workout of main muscle groups and call it quits. You don't need to workout for an hour. A fast heavy low rep workout (4 sets x 6 reps) is all you need. Stick to small workouts for core, legs, back, chest and forget about all the little side muscles. If lifting heavy and doing compound lifts, you will hit all the smaller muscle groups without having to do extra work on those areas.

Monday - Legs at 80% 1 rep max
Squats - 4 x 6
Deadlifts - 4 x 6
Forward Lunge - 4 x 6
Sumo Squat - 3 x 10 with a heavy dumbell
1 core exercise (plank, supermans, crunch, leg lifts, etc)
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Liberty Lake, WA
Your on the right course but I would step it up on the weekend....this is the time I find more time to dedicate to a long training day to replicate hunting......good luck and keep at it👍