Mountain goat removal in Olympic National Park


May 29, 2020
Well sorry for your luck but now at least you can make plans for something else. Who knows the whole deal could get shut down before it even happens. It could be a great deal or it could be a total pain in the butt.
I don't think any part of it will be easy other then shooting one. Getting in an out will be tough. I have a multiseason deer tag (WA)so far and a Idaho whitetail tag. My wife drew a rifle Nevada buck tag with 1 point lol.... I might still head up to the Olympics for bear hunting and seeing if deer hunting up there would be worth my time (lots of bucks close to home in Mason county)
Jul 18, 2019
People couldn't keep this off social media so the application numbers blew up. That being said, I am both disappointed and relieved our team was not selected. I have always wanted to hunt mountain goats in the olympics and now will never get to. But it opened up ten days to chase other critters in other places. Win some lose some.

I’d suspect social media increased non-resident applicants but would figure that the DFW email to all resident license holders and the allure of whacking and stacking goats was probably what did it. I know at least two teams that were extremely qualified and local that didn’t get chosen... could be a blessing in disguise if you ask me.