Need Food Advice


Nov 2, 2014
Steep and Deep
Yeah I wouldn’t make yourself hit some crazy 4K calories per day. Some people can’t eat that much and stay on the move.

I’m going to add Fritos and Reese’s this year myself. Clif bars get old and make me feel like crap anymore.

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Aug 22, 2020
You mentioned that you’re not much of a breakfast eater and I noticed your main plans for breakfast are hot meals (oatmeal and mountain house eggs). If you’re not use to altitude keep in mind that you may have a diminished appetite. I’m like one of the earlier posts where I’ll lose about 1 lb a day in the backcountry (I typically weight mid-high 180s and am fairly muscular) and don’t each much right after waking up.

I’d recommend having some good, cold breakfast options to take that you can eat awhile after first getting up, in case you’re not hungry or don’t want to take the time to make a hot meal. I’m not a morning person, so for me I like to wakeup and go hunt, food comes along the way. ProBar, pop tarts, breakfast type crackers (Belvita, etc.), granola bar, could be some good, caloric dense and easy to pack breakfast options.

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Jul 15, 2019
Id be careful eating two mountain houses a day . You should do this and see how your GI tract handles all their dehydrated food. One a day and im farting like crazy sitting around the campfire.