New guy from MO

Dec 22, 2017
Lurked on here for a while checking in once in a blue moon for info on diy elk trips. I am making my first trip to Idaho this September for an archery elk hunt and figured I would go ahead and sign up to get access to the classifieds and ask questions here and there.
I am retired from the military and have hunted and fished my whole life. I also volunteer with a Veterans charity called The Fallen Outdoors and enjoy taking guys out on kayak Fishing and hunting trips.
My biggest thing I need to find right now is a pack so I can get out and start packing weight while I chase hogs after archery deer season closes. I am very interested in the EXO 3500 or 5500 but would be interested in any deals on a nice used Mystery Ranch or Kifaru.
Dec 22, 2017
I retired out of Fort Leonard Wood and stayed to let my kids finish school here, but am originally from a little town called Centralia just north of Columbia. How about yourself?