New Hunter Building up to Deer

Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
I dont know jack about where you live but when I started I joined a hunting lease as we didnt have much of any public ground where I was living. That gave me three things I needed. A place to hunt and access to information and help from experienced members. That was better than three decades ago before the internet When about the only way to get information was to get out there and do it. Mostly we hunted hogs back then. I still remember the first one I shot. I just happened to be out at the lease on my own. I had one of them “ now what” moments. took me forever to butcher that hog. If your problem is only access look for public ground if you want access and some help then I would get on a lease if they are available or hire a guided hog hunt to gain some knowledge.


Apr 27, 2012
There’s some good info on the CDFW website, spend some time scouring through it. Figure out what units you’re willing to hunt, as you know Cali is a big state and you don’t want to spend the whole season driving to get to your unit

Shoot your gun, not just off the bench but in field positions, at random distances. Figure out how far you can comfortably hit a 5” target.

Get a decent pair of binoculars and boots, then get out in the off season and use them. Spend as much time as you can in the unit you’re hunting learning the roads, trails and general area. Get a paper map and mark game sitings, water holes and other points of interest.

Glassing is more than looking for a deer, look for parts of a deer. Ears, butts, deer faces tend to be white or light colored and stand out. Scouting is essential, especially in SoCal. Learn deer habits and behaviors, think like a deer.

Get in shape, walk, run, cycle, hit the gym, whatever. But move, a lot. If you’re hunting the Sierras it’s big country at high elevation. The first thing to send hunters home is fatigue and or elevation sickness. Make sure your boots fit and are well broken in, blisters suck. Be prepared to take care of your feet if you do get blisters.

Be willing to take some time off for hunting. Opening weekend is always a zoo, but after a few days, most guys go home. Hunting during the week can be much better, especially later in the season.

Apply for the premium hunts. You can get a general zone tag as well. So you can potentially get 2 deer tags. Learn the regs inside and out to get them most out of them.

Buy a bear tag.

Learn how to care for game in the field. Learn the gutless method for quartering. Lots of videos out there. A sharp knife and some knowledge and you’ll be in good shape. Heat is your enemy so bring a cooler full of ice if the weather is forecast to be warm.

Be patient, persistent and don’t give up. Deer hunting in SoCal can be really challenging but there are deer to be had.