Prime - 2020 Black Series


Jan 18, 2017
Went and shot the new 3 and 5 Black series last week and needless to say I was very let down. I am currently shooting a CT-5 that for the most part I really like other than some vibe after the shot and had some issues with nock low initially. The new black series bows have even more hand shock are much stiffer up front and the 3 kicked back more than I like.. Both the 3 and the 5 were at 71 lbs and they felt like 76-77 compared to my 73lb CT5. My dealer asked me what I thought and he shook his head and said that is exactly what he thought and everyone else that has shot them. I have been a huge Prime fan over the years and while there newer tech seems interesting, it is making there core values in who they are worse. I still have a Prime Rize which is my all time Prime favorite and when you shoot that bow there is zero hand shock and the bow just sits there. Tuning wise its the easiest bow I have ever tuned. I was excited to see the new rotating mods and a bump in speed but it made the shoot ability experience worse compared to other brands who are extremely focused on dead and smoothing out the draw cycle. I know everyones opinions might be different but I am really frustrated with Prime this year. I have no idea how there engineers and decision makers could put a bow on the market that feels this way compared to the competition. I honestly would like to visit Prime and take along my Rize and ask them to shoot that bow compared to the CT3/Black3 and tell me what has improved. Rize has 7" brace height and puts out similar speeds with an easier draw cycle.

Rant over
Oct 14, 2017
Boston Ma
Good to know thanks for the report, I went from the hybrid to CT5 and I do love the hold and draw of the Ct5 but the vibe and noise drives me insane I’ve broke the bow down twice and I can’t find it someone said not to time off overdraw stops and do the dots so I’ll try that soon but I find myself picking up the hybrid more and more over the Ct5. My hybrid is a lot quieter and less vibe than the Ct5 and if the black is more than the CT no thanks.


Dec 18, 2017
I shot the 3,5,9 the other week and thought that they are a lot better than the last years bow less hand shock less noise. They also pulled better than the bowtech Hoyt and pse that I shot as well. Every one is going to have there own opinions


Jan 18, 2017
I shot the 3,5,9 the other week and thought that they are a lot better than the last years bow less hand shock less noise. They also pulled better than the bowtech Hoyt and pse that I shot as well. Every one is going to have there own opinions

I don't know 1 person who thinks this but everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Prime directly told me that the bow has more vibration than last years due to the yokes and they also told me the draw is stiffer than last years.


Apr 12, 2019
I shot the 3,5,9 the other week and thought that they are a lot better than the last years bow less hand shock less noise. They also pulled better than the bowtech Hoyt and pse that I shot as well. Every one is going to have there own opinions

Yea I shot them along side the VRX, traverse, Kure, virtex and thought the black 5 shot the best out of any of them. I didn’t buy only because I never had any interest in prime. And needed to do some research. Called and talked to a rep at prime about the sharpa quiver, and he said it is the deadest, quite two bow they have offered. I liked it, the traverse is the only thing close I would buy of the new releases I have shot. Waiting on the Mach 1, and obsession before I decide. But as of now black 5 is at the top of my list, other then the fact a tree limb quiver won’t fit them, that my tip my decision to the traverse.
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Apr 12, 2019
I shot the 3,5,9 the other week and thought that they are a lot better than the last years bow less hand shock less noise. They also pulled better than the bowtech Hoyt and pse that I shot as well. Every one is going to have there own opinions

I didn’t shoot the 9 but really liked the black 5, way better then the other bows I shot.


Dec 18, 2017
I am trying to decide on the 5 or 9 I’m going to shoot them both all set up next weekend


Aug 27, 2013
The 5 has me curious because of a couple things I read: Room to shim cams, Adjustable draw length, adjustable letoff (60-90%)?

Although they both shot awesome, I have never been able to get the rest position ideal on the CT5 or Hybrid i had, Ability to shim should fix that. Adjustable draw length and the adjustable letoff should allow me a lot more room to play with setup and see what holds the best...


Oct 7, 2014
I've been shooting the Centergy and Centergy Hybrid the past two years. I shot the 3 and 5 today. I like the 5 better (draw was a bit smoother than the 3). I also like longer ATA bows. When I was looking at the two, I noticed the vibe at the shot. I also noticed the cable damper was almost a full 1/4" off the string. In my mind that accounts for part of the vibe. I also know the difference between and bare bow with just a rest and a bow fully setup for hunting feels different at the shot. I'm really interested in the Black 5. I've shot all the PSE and Hoyt flagships. We have the VXR in the shop but I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. I was not impressed with last years Mathews bows, so I don't have hopes for this new one (the Halon 32 re-due).


Apr 12, 2019
I've been shooting the Centergy and Centergy Hybrid the past two years. I shot the 3 and 5 today. I like the 5 better (draw was a bit smoother than the 3). I also like longer ATA bows. When I was looking at the two, I noticed the vibe at the shot. I also noticed the cable damper was almost a full 1/4" off the string. In my mind that accounts for part of the vibe. I also know the difference between and bare bow with just a rest and a bow fully setup for hunting feels different at the shot. I'm really interested in the Black 5. I've shot all the PSE and Hoyt flagships. We have the VXR in the shop but I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. I was not impressed with last years Mathews bows, so I don't have hopes for this new one (the Halon 32 re-due).

Did you get to shoot the Mach 1 ? If so what did you think ? I am waiting on that and see what obsession has. They release 12/2


Oct 7, 2014
Did you get to shoot the Mach 1 ? If so what did you think ? I am waiting on that and see what obsession has. They release 12/2
I did. I love the weight of it. It's been a few weeks so I can't remember the feel very well. I know I liked the draw, seemed smooth with very little dump into the valley. No hand shock that I can remember.


Apr 12, 2019
I did. I love the weight of it. It's been a few weeks so I can't remember the feel very well. I know I liked the draw, seemed smooth with very little dump into the valley. No hand shock that I can remember.

I have heard they a quite a bit faster then posted speeds also.

sf jakey

Jul 8, 2014
I've been shooting the Centergy and Centergy Hybrid the past two years. I shot the 3 and 5 today. I like the 5 better (draw was a bit smoother than the 3). I also like longer ATA bows. When I was looking at the two, I noticed the vibe at the shot. I also noticed the cable damper was almost a full 1/4" off the string. In my mind that accounts for part of the vibe. I also know the difference between and bare bow with just a rest and a bow fully setup for hunting feels different at the shot. I'm really interested in the Black 5. I've shot all the PSE and Hoyt flagships. We have the VXR in the shop but I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. I was not impressed with last years Mathews bows, so I don't have hopes for this new one (the Halon 32 re-due).
I would stick with the Centergy. I have owned a Defy, a Rival, and a Rize. All were exceptional bows, easy to tune, forgiving of arrow spine and broadhead selection. I bought a CT 3 last year and is has been the worst bow I ever owned. Won’t tune except with a overly soft spine arrow and a limb driven rest (Prime even told me this), and when you throw a broadhead on a soft spine arrow they wonkt group. I see nothing done to the Black series to change the basic design of the CT series other than the draw mods. I finally sent my CT3 back to Prime to see if I have a weak limb or something else going on. Regardless, I will be selling it when it comes back. Maybe its just my form and this bow, but I shoot every other bow I try perfectly.