RMAA 2015 Scedule

Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
RMAA 2015 Schedule

The 2014 RMAA Annual Business Meeting and Awards Banquet was a success yet again this year! The Meeting went great, with a couple of changes for the upcoming year. First, we will be moving the 3D Series to Sunday! Hopefully, this will help raise attendance at the 3D series Events. We will also go back to holding 4 Events, using your 3 highest scores towards the Overall. We added two new Board Members, Anne Geist and Tony Hobbs. Of course we also set the schedule for the 2015 Season.

Target Series:
January 24-25 All-In Vegas 450 Quick Draw Archery
February28-1 Indoor Championship High Altitude Archery
May 9 Spot Safari w/ Canon Arrow Columbine Bowmen Archery Club
June 6-7 1500 In the Sun w/ Wild Bunch Archers
July 11-12 Field Showdown Columbine Bowmen Archery Club

3D Series:
April 19 1st Event w/ RMAA Fort Collins Archery Range
May 17 2nd Event w/ No Limits Archery @ Vall Halla
June 21 3rd Event Academy Archery Club
July 19 4th Event American Bowmen Club

Make plans now to attend the Rocky Mountain Archery Association Target and 3D Series shoots!
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