Scary thing happened while rabbit hunting tonight!


Dec 10, 2015
Just thought I’d relay something that could have turned into a bad situation. I was out rabbit hunting today. I was out in Northwest Colorado, there’s a bit of snow and the temps have been pretty cold, so the ground is pretty much frozen solid. I was walking along slowly watching for movement in the sage, when I suddenly stepped into a jackrabbit hole that was obscured by a snow drift. It’s not an infrequent thing to have happen out here, but normally it just irritates me. However what transpired over the next several minutes had the potential to create a survival situation.
I grumbled something to myself about stepping in that damn hole, and went to pull up on my leg. NOTHING… My foot was wedged tight, with my toes pointing upward, my foot had gone into the hole ankle first. I kept my calm for the first minute or so and was trying to wiggle and work my leg out, but it seemed the more I moved the tighter the grip on my foot. I was about a mile from my truck, and no cell coverage at all. I have just been striking out checking multiple spots so I didn’t even have my backpack, just my 22 and a few things in my pocket. After a minute or so, I start to get pretty panicky. I dug the snow out around the hole and realized the ground was like concrete. The only thing I had in my pocket was an outdoor edge replaceable blade knife, car keys and some 22 shells. Not sure the knife would have even allowed me dig out of that hard ground. Adrenaline is really starting to pump as it’s getting late in the day and temps are dropping fast. I struggle for what seems like an hour, although it was likely more like 5 to 7 minutes lol. Finally at the point where I was going to start digging with my knife, I feel the slightest bit of movement as I struggled. Then a little more, and finally I was able to pull free. I collapsed in the snow for a couple of minutes realizing that that could have turned ugly quick had I not been able to get my foot out of there!
On the positive side, I was able to pop a couple of cottontails on the way back to the truck!!
Just a reminder that anything we do in the outdoors can turn south quickly. I usually preach always being prepared and having my backpack with some basic survival stuff with me. I think this little episode just reinforces that notion. Even when you think it’s not necessary or you are just running out a short distance from the truck, shit can happen fast.


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Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
glad it was a happy ending!

Good reminder. Nice to know you won't be next week's discovery of a frozen hunter's body.

Two words: Day pack.

Four words: Never drop your pack.

inReach AND day pack- don't leave home without them :D