Southern Colorado giant hits the dirt!


May 19, 2012
Brookville In
Saturday Oct. 2 will definitely go down as EPIC. I got to southern Colorado Friday morning and met my outfitter/guide Steven Martinez of Southern Colorado Outfitters. He had been watching this special buck for a few weeks. After a missed elk hunt due to Covid I posted a WTB add on I Hunt Colorado page on Facebook looking for a Last minute outfitted hunt or Voucher. That was on Sept 5. Steven got ahold of me saying he had one voucher and I would be his only Lope hunter. I felt out of the three options I had with such little time this is what I chose. Friday morning we went up to a knob about a mile from where this buck was hanging out with about 30 girlfriends. From the moment I actually laid eyes on him I knew he was very special. I ended up watching him for several hours and I knew it would be a sleepless night. Saturday morning at first light found us on top of the knob glassing up several elk, including two big bulls, several deer, including a bachelor group of five bucks, and then the group of lopes. We immediately made a plan and went after him. By 8:00 on opening day I was standing over this beautiful lope! He was shot with a Springfield waypoint in 6.5 CM at 200 yards. 7A20ECB4-2EE1-4EE1-93E1-22514DDFEAFA.jpegEE77B84C-776B-4F0F-A7DB-7D880E7F2C66.jpeg281AA1BE-718C-4A5A-9F24-12CFF40DD996.jpegD3024E9D-B3F0-4FC0-81D3-BFEF30CE9DAE.jpegA75510F4-B3A8-47FF-99D8-13418D04873E.png