Spring Black Bear Area around Units 14,15,16


Nov 14, 2018
I'm looking to do a Spring Black Bear hunt in Wyoming. I was looking around units 14,15,16 somewhere west or Bare Mountain and east of Afton north west section of 14. DIY hunt no wilderness area or Outfitter. That being said I'm a flatlande with zero bear hunting experience. I've hunted the Mountain and been around black bears no Grizzlies. And advice on the area I've chosen or Advice for first time DIY Bear hunt. I can take the and bad comments any help is greatly appreciated also would prefer advice from personal experience.
Nov 1, 2019
The road on the south side of 14/16 at the tri basin divide was still snowed in last week of spring season last year when I was out there. A couple of drifts too big to drive over at the meadows ( there were some bypasses if willing). Ended up pulling a girl out of a ditch there when her 4wd cut out and she slid into the creek. She had no sleeping bag, no shovel, no rope and no food. She was out trying to get to an area to hunt for mushrooms. Be prepared to dig yourself out ( full size shovel, winch, snatch block, jack w/ base and tree huggers ) and deal with fallen trees. That road starts getting busy but someone has to push through to open it up. The road from the top from the north side of the unit was open all the way down to the tribasin divde junction ( where she was stuck ). Nice thing out there is most people out there will help out if you get in a pinch...they know sooner or later they will need help themselves.


Dec 12, 2019
Just gonna keep an eye on this. This was my second area i was thinking about for next spring.