Stinky boot remedy


Mar 14, 2017
Before you leave on your next trip soak your feet on vinegar and Listerine, equal parts. Scrub them with a pumice stone after and then moisturize them with EV coconut oil. Wash your boots before the trip in the sink with dish soap and a splash of vinegar in each.

Wash your feet with soap and water or wipes every night and apply coconut oil which is antimicrobial and antifungal.

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Apr 12, 2021
Bacteria feeding on sweat, and accumulated old sweat breaking down/decaying in your boots causes much of the odor. Your boot is acting like an incubator: Warm, moist, dark environment. To decrease the problem you need to address the environment in your boots/shoes.

Changing your socks as needed, helps keep the inside of your boot clean and reduces moisture in the boot.

Alternate boots if possible, to allow the inside of the boots to dry out before using again. Continuing to wear a boot that never really gets a chance to dry out doesn’t help.

Need to keep the inside of your boots clean. Don’t be scared to wash them out. We wash our clothes regularly which helps control odor. How often do you wash the inside of your shoes or boots out?

Drysol applied to your feet will help control the sweating. Follow the instructions on the label.

Hibiclens kills the bacteria very effectively, and leaves a film on your feet that continues to kill the bacteria for hours after you wash. Again follow the instructions on the label.

Not following instructions or observing warnings will increase the risk of side effects or result in failure of the recommended products.

Caution using stronger chemicals in your boots. When your feet are in contact with these chemicals all day they can irritate your skin or cause a skin reaction.