Teacher Hunting out West


Oct 30, 2020
Colorado’s units 3-301 have a December 1-31 cow elk hunt. If we have a snowy winter you should be able to tag a cow in unit 3, a major herd winters there. There is a lot of public BLM land in that unit. It is cold as heck that time of year.
My son has a youth cow tag for GMU 3 and we are headed there next week. He is 15 and this is out first Colorado trip any tips?


Feb 5, 2020
Idaho whitetail tag is the route I would go. Fly into spokane and rent a little truck.

Diamond K

Jan 12, 2020
West Central Missouri
We just returned from a CO elk hunt and one of our party is a HS teacher. He has had time out of the class room approved by the administration since he started building points a few years ago. He was not able to take all of the time as personal days so he had to pay back some of the days to the district. It made for an expensive hunt but he was able to make it happen.
Nov 28, 2018
you have a lot more chances to hunt then just those two periods. Use Veterans day or Labor Day or any of the other 3 day weekend teachers get off. Add in a couple personal days and you should have a nice window to hunt. Yes its not perfect and you are not doing to get a full two week hunt in but most people arent built for those anyways. Use the summer to scout a few areas so you have a general plan. Leave thursday after work and drive all through the night. Should get there Friday sometime to hike in or set up camp. Hunt Saturday-Tuesday. Leave Wednesday and roll into work thursday tired as hell but happy. You burned 3 days of work but got 4 days of solid hunting. You have to get creative with your school personal/sick days but you can make it happen. The worst part is the drive but something you just have to be willing to do. I have had many 14-20 hour drives where I step out of the truck and start hunting. My biggest regret was let so many years go by and using the teacher schedule as an excuse not to hunt. I wasted 10plus years I could have been in the mountains or building points. The last 5 years I have been able to do 2 out of state trips a year by being creative. I would not change a thing. I added an out of state guys trip this summer also. So for me thats 3 trips a year building memories. Heck I really want to add a christmas break trip in also in the next couple years. Find someone who can share the driving and get on the mountain


Sep 4, 2018
Have you pondered a dock in pay day vacations? It sucks but it would open your schedule a little bit to take advantage of seasons better. I did that 3 times and offset the dock in pay days by taking on another job in summer and at night in school year. It had to be okayed by the superintendent. Check to see if that is an option.

It was worth it to me. Not sure how often you'd want to go but every three years or so you could draw a tag in WY and general areas are good options.